Alternate Title: Black Butler
Categories: Action, Dark, Drama, Gothic, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Tragedy
Episodes: 24 (possible Second Season in the works)
Summary: Taking place in the early 1900's Europe, the story follows Ciel Phantomhive, the sole heir to the Phantomhive Clan. The Queen's personal "Guard Dogs"; they are to investigate and deal with troubles within her domain in the Underworld, or anything supernatural. The main focus however, lies in discovering Ciel's tortured past and carrying out his will to avenge the wrongs done to him. To aid him in this great task is Sebastian. One HELL of a Butler, he can do anything. Even escape the grasp of death it would seem. So why is Sebastian serving such a young master? And to what end? Well, you have to find that out yourself.
Opinion: I cannot recommend this show enough. It's Beautiful from start to finish. The story is captivating and draws you in, along with the animation and music. The characters are lovable and diverse, from the bubbly Elisabeth to the spooky laugh-loving Undertaker, and the twists and depth of the secrets are astounding.
--I chose this as my first review because I've recommended it a lot...and every time I hear back with the same thing. "I LOVE IT!" Therefore, I hope you'll give it a try too. :) Feel free to make additions if you see fit! Also, this is just an example, you don't have to follow this template or anything LOL It's just so you get a gist of what to put. :) --