Tsubasa: Those With Wings

Title: Tsubasa: Those With Wings

Alternate Names: Tsubasa O Motsu Mono

Author: Natsuki Takaya

Length: 6 regular manga and 3 collector edition manga6

Genre: Adventure,fantasy, comedy, romance

Plot Summary: Kotobuki is an ex thief just trying to make a living in the 22nd century. Life is hard, and it only seems to get harder once Raimon shows up. Raimon is a captain in the military and has been following Kotobuki for quite some time. He's in love with her. As the story goes on and Kotobuki explores her feelings for Raimon she finds that he is in danger. The colonel of the army Hilt Gil still wants Raimon. In order to save the man she loves Kotobuki goes on the search for Tsubasa. The legendary light that came from the sky and granted peoples wishes, but what she finds is not what she expected.

Personal Opinion: I loved Tsubasa: Those With Wings! I couldn't put a volume down, and when I was finished I stalked the bookstore shelves waiting for the next one. There are many simularities between Tsubasa O Motsu Mono characters and Takaya's characters from her other popular manga Fruits Baskets. Between Raimon and Shoka I just couldn't stop laughing. I hope you guys will look it up. I know you'll just love it!
