Title: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Alternate Names: Reborn!, 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!, Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!, Katekyō Hitman Reborn! & KHR
Author: Akira Amano
Length: 299 chapters as of July 22, 2010. Published every week in Weekly Shonen Jump.
Genre: Action, Comedy & Shonen
Plot Summary: When No-good Tsuna (Dame Tsuna) returns home one day, he is greeted by a little baby mafioso, who calls himself Reborn. Reborn tells Tsuna that he's the heir to the largest Italian Mafia famiglia, the Vongola. Reborn's job is to shape Tsuna into a suitable mafia boss. Armed with items such as the Dying Will Bullets and an array of incredible friends, Reborn might just be able to do that.
Personal Opinion: At first I found the concept of the story rather odd, and not interesting at all. However, this is a manga that keeps you engaged. Once I started reading it, the story just sucked me in, and I finished all 200+ chapters within 3 days. The storyline, unlike Bleach & Naruto does not peter out. Rather, it keeps rushing on, and on introducing new things and people to you. This is highly recommended! All of the characters are different, and have lots of depth too.