Dennou Coil - Twilight Samurai

Title: Dennō Coil (電脳コイル) — A Circle of Children

Episodes: 26

Genre: drama, comedy, suspense, science fiction

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Summary: In a world where technology has advanced to another level, the children engage in a cyber world parallel to their real world via "denno glasses." With these glasses, the children actively interact with one another in their virtual world, displaying their cyber prowess, such as calling each other with the tips of their fingers, playing with their very realistic cyber pets, shooting lasers from their foreheads, etc. Sometimes, this parallel world seems more realistic than the real world...

Dennō Coil — A Circle of Children introduces us to a small group of young friends as they go about their daily business. They go to school together and do the normal things kids these days do. However, with their interaction in the virtual world, something lurks in its shadows. A dark secret unfolds about the virtual world that they soon discover threatens their lives. Strange creatures, called the Nulls, cross over to their world to wreak havoc, sometimes innocently while other times sinisterly. What are these creatures? How do they connect with the children? What's going on here?!?

My opinion
: It's a great series. I, for one, love kids being kids. This is a great series that made me reminisce my own past when I was a kid (without all the virtual world stuff). Also, this series was more than just "happy go lucky" fun, though it provides plenty of humor; there was a deeper story in this as well, which helped captivate my attention and interest. I would recommend this anime series to anyone who wants a break from other stereotypical anime series with buxom women, mechas and the outlandish. Haha!
