Image 1: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/484104
Image 2: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/538960
This wallpaper I made to dedicate to josephine12cute, but I could not upload it in theo since the file is too big.
I will try to re-upload it when they allow me to.
The banner I made for my new world. I thought I needed another world featuring or saying about my sad life, but I have changed my mind. I thought of a new name for that world "Kiss the Rain," but well, I should not make my life so sad by looking back on all my sad memories, so I quit writing sad stories about my life on my new world in theO.
Another reason is that I dont want to fill theO with my sad stories, so all my sad stories will be written somewhere else. lolz
That new world was changed its name back to Under Construction and the banner of that new world is open for everyone to use.

Wherever you go, I will go with you
Phuong Vu Cuu Thien is not a manga. It is a manhua; it's my favorite dammie (yaoi) manhua. :">

Without Text
Original Image (Scan)from josephine12cute
I make it for fun b/c I was bored and did not know what to do to spend time at home. Just wanna kill time. Free to use or take to wherever you want to. Just leave me a note (so I will know what you will do with it) 
Best on white b/g