You have now entered the Original Character Poll and Countdown (OCPC)! This is where you enter your OCs in a contest to find out which one is the best of the best.

This event will have five phases.

Phase 1: Sign-ups! Comment on the Sign-Ups post from now until the end of February.

Phase 2: Enter your OCs! Give a list of at least five (5) OCs and tell the other participants about them. The post introducing all your OCs must be made in this World. For extra AwesomePointz (TM)* You can write from the OCs' perspectives or do an interview with them. Make your post between the beginning of March and the end of April.

Phase 3: Vote! PM each of the OCs' creators with a list of which OC(s) you will vote for. You may vote for multiple OCs-- just not all of them. This will run throughout May.

Phase 4: Make a comic! Reveal each OC in the comic starting with who had the least amount of votes and ending with the winner. Show your OCs' reactions to how well they did in the comic. Other than that, the comic is very open-ended. You could make a story, list some fun facts, or whatever you want! This will start when you have received votes from all other participants and run until the end of September (hopefully).

Phase 5: Post your comic! You can post it page by page or all at once. Post between the beginning of October and the end of December.


*AwesomePointz (TM) are not actually redeemable for anything. They just mean that you're AWESOME!

FYI, Fiction Feedback Central is still open! Read the rules here and don't forget to title your posts appropriately so that they don't get confused with the OC Poll and Countdown.

This World was originally the 30 Days of Art World. For those who have not finished the event (or would like to try), I have a post with all the prompts.

If you would like to view the 4-Koma Round Robin completed comics, click here.

To see the completed sketch collections for the 2015 Sketch Marathon, click here.

Idea Development: Untitled Fantasy Story

I've been kicking this idea around for a year or so, but not much has come of it.

Concept: A world populated only by fictional/mythological creatures.

Plot: I don't have a main plot. I have some side stories involving some of the secondary characters, but nothing concrete with the main cast.

Setting: Unsure. What I DON'T want is some kind of medieval setting, because that's been done to death. Since this is a fantasy setting, I don't want it to look completely like the "real world" either.

Characters: The main characters are an elf (might change that) girl and her two cousins, who are more like a little brother and sister to her. I might as well bullet-point all the characters, or else this will be one huge paragraph.

  • Main elf girl (tentatively named Susanna): About 15 years old. Often mistaken for a boy. Studied magic and can cast beginner to intermediate spells using a wristband. Her parents are either deceased or missing; she lives with her aunt and uncle and their children.
  • Elf boy cousin (tentatively named Victor): 13 or 14 years old. Takes things very seriously. Knows some swordplay. Very protective of his little sister.
  • Elf girl cousin (tentatively named Lucille): Preteen-age. Wants to help, but mostly gets into trouble. Comes into her own as the story progresses.
  • Main elf girl's teacher (tentatively named Prof. Owens): I'm unsure of what his race should be. Looks fairly young (possibly much older than he appears). A master of magic. Has a phoenix as a familiar. Possibly will only appear in flashbacks.
  • Character that main elf girl makes friends with: He is older than 15, but not by much. Has white hair and dark skin (maybe a dark elf?). Very polite. Works at an animal shelter (for fantasy animals, of course).
  • Half-breed lycan/kitsune: A minor antagonist. Has both lycan and kitsune powers, but not to the extent of either race. Works alone-- a "stray" of sorts.
  • Sprite priestess (tentatively named Vanessa): About 18 years old. Has the duty of guarding something secret (not sure what). She can make her soul leave her body and enter the body of another.
  • Kitsune boy (tentatively named Kisuke): The son of some government official/diplomat. Loves causing trouble.
  • Main antagonist: All I know about the main antagonist is that I want him/her to seem like some character that appears as a bit-part early on, but shows up again to surprise everyone.

As you can see, I don't have much yet. I don't even know where all of these characters will fit (and I'm sure that I'll come up with more of them).

The thing that I have developed the most is the main elf girl's magic wristband. It has a decoration that looks like the head of a watch. By drawing a shape on the "watch head" with her finger, she can create a spell. Drawing a triangle makes a lower-level spell. The highest level spells involve a hexagon.

What requires the most help: The non-existent plot. I'm sure that the rest will come a lot easier with a plot in place. The main elf girl and her cousins are on a mission to accomplish something, but I'm not certain as to what (I was thinking of collecting ingredients to cure an illness, but that seems kinda lame). I know I don't want one of those "I wanna be the best" sort of stories.


  • New names for existing characters.
  • New character: A nekomata tentatively named Naoko. Rumored to be able to communicate with spirits. Might have visual impairment.
  • I'm slowly constructing a scene of how Susanna meets Prof. Owens. It involves her walking in on him while his phoenix familiar is dying after having laid an egg.
  • Still no concrete plot.
