Secret Santa Event


  • If you're going to participate in the event, please comment on this post to let me know.
  • I will PM you a username from theO community. This user is the person you are to create a present for. Please do not abandon it. And you are the Secret Santa for this person; please do not go and tell them that you're assigned to give them a present! It's supposed to be a surprise! Don't let them know you're their Santa!!
  • Your present should consist of something you can submit on theO. Please keep it age-appropriate and follow the terms of theO.

    Things you can do:

    • Draw something for the person
    • Make them a wallpaper
    • Make a comic for them
    • Create a wallpaper for them
    • Write them a short story or poem
    • Make an eCard for them

      You can even throw in a gift!
      You can do more than one thing for the person if you feel like one isn't enough. =)

  • Remember to dedicate your present to the member! This is very important! Also, make sure you have the user's name spelled correctly, otherwise it won't go through!
  • Please submit your present by Christmas, not after. If you can't do it on Christmas day, submit it a day or two before.
  • Please be respectful to your Secret Santa and other participants of the event.


  • Please be done with your present(s) by Christmas Eve.


  • Find out what the person likes by going through their gallery or skimming/reading their World posts
  • Put up what you like in a post on your World for your Santa to see!