Frequently asked questions.
Q: Where is the "secret" part? If we are dedicating it to a member, then aren't we giving ourselves away? Is it more like a gift giveaway of sorts to someone on the site?
A: For this event, it's just going to be a secret up until the day of giving. XD It'll be a hassle if I were to ask everyone to give me the link to their presents and just display it in the World to show/give everybody... Plus it can't be a total secret either way, considering people can just search the art.
Q: Will the present go to a random person or can you choose?
A: Once I have all the names of the confirmed participants, I will randomize them and assign pairs of names; so it will be random.
Q: Does the present have to be Christmas-y or can it be anything that the person would like?
A: Think of it like something you would give a friend in real life. It doesn't have to be a little Santa statue or Gingerbread Man keychain. Preferably, it should be something the person would like. (See tips.) It can even be a combination of both.
Q: Are you going to participate in the event as well?
A: I would love to be a "full" participant. XD But since I'm hosting the event, it won't really be a surprise to me if I were to assign someone else my "Secret" Santa. XD I will most likely do something for somebody else, but I guess it's up to the members of theO if they would like to give something to me, too. XD -^^;
Q: Does the work (like fan art) have to be digital?
A: No, it can be in any medium you like. =)
Q: It is impossible to dedicate text to another person. What should I do?
A: You will have to PM them your literature. You can also post it in your World and send them the link to it. =)
Q: Can we ask you to forward a question we have for our match?
A: Most definitely. Please remind me of who your match is in the message and include all questions you have in one PM, not separate.