
Okay this one seems a bit rushed to me but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

"You see that girl? Yeah her. She seems so invincible right? She has secrets and trusts no one. She's the perfect example of betrayal, cause everyone she trusted broke her."

She had been sitting alone, like she always would when she came into the bar. She'd ask for a glass of water and sit in a booth off toward the side. No one besides the pretty black haired bartender, who she learned was named Tifa, would talk to her. Sure they'd talk about her. Why wouldn't they? She didn't talk to anyone except Tifa, and she was a stranger to the town. She had been living there only for a few months now and only one person new anything about her.

"Hey Morada," Tifa greeted, sitting down in the booth.

"Hi Tifa."

"How are you?"

"Okay I guess."

"Well that's better than yesterday. I've been worried about you."

“Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You told me that a few weeks ago and you've gotten worse," Tifa said completely concerned about the women in front of her. Morada sighed and looked up from her glass.

"This time will be different."

"Promise me one thing before I get back to work."

"Okay what is it?"

"If you need anything, even if it’s just someone to talk to. You’ll call or stop by."

"If you were anybody else I'd say no, but you're my only real friend," Morada told her with a weak smile. Tifa nodded then went back to working.

Morada sat there for a while listening to people talking, which was mostly about her. She stood up from her seat and quickly walked out the door. She shivered from the sudden contact of the cool night air on her skin. She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked down the street to her home. She began getting closer when she thought she heard footsteps close by. She looked around to see no one there and quickened her pace. Just when she was almost home something grabbed a hold of her arm and spun her around.

"Hello Morada. Surprised to see me?" A voice she knew to well, said. She looked up at the man the voice came from.

"What are you doing here?" She spit out angrily.

"Am I not allowed seeing my favorite person?"


"Well that's not exactly your decision anyway. I was just stopping in town and saw you. I just wanted to visit for a little while before I left."

"You visited now leave!"

"I'd rather not, besides we've got some catching up to do."

"Yeah, like I'd want to catch up with you," Morada said trying to get away from one of the people she tried so hard to wipe from her memory.

"Like I said. You have no choice," He said pulling her into a nearby alley. She was completely frightened of him now. There was no escaping from him and her throat wouldn't allow her to scream. There was no way out.

~Time Lapse~
Morada's eyes slowly fluttered open revealing that it was now day. She turned her head to see if the night before was a horrible dream; to her disappointment she was still in the ally a beaten and tattered mess. Her body was in agonizing pain and her mind was a wreck. She slowly lifted her body off of the ground and tried to keep her balance. When she finally could stand without falling she began walking out of the alley. She heard voices all around her as she walked to her destination. She could hear that they were talking about her and the state she was in.

She barely made it to the bar before her legs wanted to give out on her. She slowly opened the door and walked inside. She saw Tifa's form behind the counter along with a few others talking but she couldn't focus on who they were. Tifa looked up at her from hearing the door open. Her eyes widened as she looked upon Morada's fragile form. The others looked back at her also.

"Tifa... I need. To talk," Morada said slowly between pausing.

Taking another step forward her legs gave out and she began to fall. She didn’t feel the pain of hitting the floor, which she wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. All she knew was she had seen black. She figured she had passed out. It wouldn't surprise her. She walked quite a distance and she was weak as it was. The only difference between every other tie was that she could hear voices. The only one she knew for sure was Tifa's. All the others she didn't recognize, well except for one. One sounded slightly familiar.

"Morada," She heard someone say softly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at a worried looking Tifa.


"I'm glad you're awake. What happened to you?"

"I'll get to that," Morada said. Pausing she looked around the room. Noticing she wasn't in an area that she recognized. She was lying on a bed in some room. "Where am I?"

"Upstairs in one of the spare rooms. You feel and would've collided with the floor if it hadn't been for Vincent catching you. You passed out and he carried you up here."


"One of my friends. One of the people who were downstairs when you came in."

"Oh okay," Morada said thinking the name sounded so familiar.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?"

"For you to understand completely you'd have to know about my past. I'm not sure f I'm read to tell anyone about it yet."

"That's fine. I'm not pushing you to. Please tell me what happened though." Morada sighed.

"While walking home last night a guy I used to know ran into me. He dragged me into an alley and well he beat and did certain other things," she said the last part more quietly.

"Oh my God!"

"Don't worry about it Tifa. I was just going by my promise and stopping by if I needed anything."

"Yeah of course."

"I'm worried; since he knew where I lived he might try something again. That or someone else will."

"Well you can stay here if you want to."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah that way you will be safe and I won't have to worry. You're like a sister to me and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Thank you Tifa."

"You're welcome. Well now that you're staying I'd like you to meet a few of my other friends."

Morada was about to complain that she looked like a mess but realized that she was bandaged up and clean from the dry blood. "Okay."

"There are extra clothes in the wardrobe. Change and then come downstairs. I'll make you something to eat," Tifa said with a smile and then walked out the door.

Morada sighed and slowly got to her feet. She didn't hurt nearly as bad but she could still feel a slight pain. She walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out some clothes. Quickly changing into them so she could get downstairs. She wasn't sure if she was ready to meet Tifa's friends but she was hungry. Since she would be staying there she'd meet them eventually anyway so why not now?

Once she changed into clean clothes that weren't ripped she began walking down stairs. She could hear people talking. The only difference form the other times is that they sounded concerned and worried. She was pretty sure that Tifa had told them what happened and that she'd be staying there. Morada took a deep breath and finished walking down the stairs. Her turquoise eyes quickly scanned the room, not getting a real good at the people in it.

"Morada." Tifa said making her look up at her.

Tifa was now standing in front of her smiling. She grabbed Morada's arm and pulled her towards the bar. Tifa motioned her to sit and walked behind the counter. Morada sat down quietly and kept her eyes on Tifa.

"Well everyone this is Morada." Tifa began. "The spiky haired blonde over there is Cloud. The guy with machine arm is Barret. The hyper active ninja is Yuffie."

Morada remembered seeing Cloud and Barret at Deepground's base a while back. She also heard enough about Cloud saving the world so she knew a little about him. She looked at each one of the people Tifa pointed out and nodded.

"Then over there is Vincent," Tifa pointed at a man in a tattered red cape with a bandana to keep his long black hair out of his crimson eyes. Morada's eyes widened. She knew this man. Not all that well but she knew him. He had been the one to take down Deepground, including her brother Azul, and some of her ex-friends. He might not have remembered but he saved her from being killed in one of the cities, the name of which she couldn't remember. He also helped her get away from those who hurt her by killing most of them. She would never forget him. He saved her and he probably didn't even know it.

"Morada are you okay?" Tifa questioned.

"She looks like she's seen a ghost," Yuffie said.

"What?" Morada snapped back into reality and pushed her purple hair out of her eyes. She looked around and blushed. "Sorry, kind of blanked out."

"It's okay. Do you want anything to eat?" Tifa asked.

Morada nodded her head and looked down at the countertop. She still couldn't help but think of her past again. When things used to be normal then turned around at a blink of an eye. Then her thoughts focused on what happened last night. The pain that was brought right back into her life. Which led her mind right back to the man standing a short distance from her. These thoughts made the organ in her chest beat quickly against her ribcage and made a slight shed of pink appear on her cheeks.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Yuffie asked in a sing-song voice.

"Nothing." Morada said quickly.

"Oh really? Then why are you blushing and all tense and nervous?" Yuffie questioned.


"So you are thinking of 'something'. Interesting."

"Yuffie," Tifa threatened the ninja.

"Sorry, just trying to get to know her."

"Try getting to know her in the normal way." Barret said.

"Fine, take all the fun out of it. So what's your favorite color?" Morada paused not sure if the answer was the same anymore.


"Um... do you like cookies?"

"Cookies?" Most of them questioned.

"Yes, I like cookies."

"Do you like animals?" Yuffie continued to question.


"Do you have any siblings?" Her body tensed as the question hit something from her past that she didn't talk about.

"I..." Morada paused, "had a brother."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yuffie said startled.

"Don't be. You had nothing to do with it. I lost him long before he died. Along with everyone important to me."

"How did he die?" Yuffie asked curiously.

Morada stayed silent. Debating what to tell them. She didn't know exactly how it happened. She was told by another member of Deepground that her brother was killed by Vincent Valentine.

"I'm not exactly sure..." she then looked over at the red eyed man, "Why don't you ask Vincent?"

Everyone's eyes widened and looked over at Vincent. He was looking at Morada questioningly. He wasn't sure what she meant until something clicked in his head.

"You're Azul's sister." He stated. Morada nodded and everyone else was shocked.

"It doesn't bother me as much as it should that he's dead. Deepground turned him into a monster, along with the others."

“Wait…” Vincent began to say. “I remember you. Some Deepground soldiers were talking about you. I’m sorry what they did to you.”

Morada was shocked that he had known what happened to her. It made her feel embarrassed and her heart once again to thump in her chest. She didn’t want anyone to know how they tortured her and used her for their own sick pleasure. She could feel a tear trying to escape and quickly wiped it away.

“What did they do to you?” Yuffie asked curiously. Tifa smacked her upside the head.

“Don’t ask things like that. Ever think she doesn’t want to talk about it?”

“It’s fine Tifa. She just wanted to know.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Vincent told her.

“No. I need to. Maybe telling you what happened will help you make sense of what happened last night.” Morada told them and sighed.

“Are you sure?” Tifa questioned.

“Yeah I’m sure. It all started when my brother joined Deepground. He was actually normal then. He was the closest thing I had after my parents died. My brother thought by joining that he would be avenging them. They had completely changed him. Along with everyone else close to me. I don’t even remember why they joined. I was the only one who wouldn’t join and I refused to. They all grew angry at me and tried to take and force me. That was the first time I saw Vincent, though at the time I didn’t even know his name. A little while after that, a day or two, they captured me. The little bit of heart my brother had left kept me alive. They kept me in a cell so I wouldn’t get away. They tortured me; trying to break me. It never worked. That’s when Vandoth, who had been one of my best friends and the man who came back into my life, came to me. He started out like everyone else. Harming me until I couldn’t fight back. I thought he’d leave after that but he continued to stand there, looking down at my fragile body. I can still remember the look in his eyes and the sinister grin on his face. After…what he did to me I began to break. He kept coming back and using me for his own benefit until Deepground was finally defeated. A WRO soldier broke me out of my prison before the place went up in flames. I thought he died from the attack with the others but apparently I was wrong,” She finished explaining and felt tears fall down her face.

“That’s so horrible,” Yuffie stated.

“Is Vandoth the only one left?” Vincent questioned.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say if he was with anyone.”

“We’ll get him, don’t worry about that,” Tifa reassured. Morada could hear the anger in her friend’s voice. Everyone nodded agreeing with Tifa.

“Even if you wanted to, he’s probably gone by now, and if he wasn’t you wouldn’t know where to find him,” Morada told them.

“Don’t worry about it. We have it covered,” Vincent said. He then walked out of the bar.

“When he said ‘we’ did he really mean ‘he’?” Yuffie asked.

“You know he’s better at tracking people. We need to be here to protect Morada incase Vandoth comes here,” Tifa explained.

“So Mr. Vampire can save the day? What a jerk! Doesn’t he know we could all help?” Yuffie yelled.

“We are helping. We’re protecting Morada,” Cloud said.

“Fine let Vincent have all the fun.”

“Why is he helping me?” Morada barely muttered. It was silent for a minute since everyone was thinking why he jumped to find Vandoth.

“He might feel like it involves him since it has to do with Deepground,” Tifa explained. Yuffie’s face lit up and a huge smile grew on her face.

“I know! I know! He likes Morada!” Yuffie practically yelled.

Morada looked down at the counter, a blush slowly rising on her cheeks. She heard Yuffie giggling and looked up at her.

“Here Morada you foods done,” Tifa said putting a plate of food on the counter along with a glass of water.

“Thanks.” Tifa nodded and stepped out from behind the bar.

While Morada was eating she heard the others talking about arrangements for her and if they were even necessary. She wasn’t sure what they had meant by that but she wasn’t about to ask. She finished eating and looked over at everyone. Yuffie glanced over at her with a knowing smile. She walked over and sat on the counter next to Morada.

“So when I asked earlier what you were thinking about, I should have asked who?”

“I… don’t know what you mean,” Morada muttered, not knowing what to say.

“I’m not stupid. In fact I’m very observant. I can see that you like a certain in denial vampire.”

“Uh…no…I don’t.” “Sure keep telling yourself that. If my memory serves me right he has thought of you since the first time he met you. He may deny it but it’s true. Trust me on that.”


“There you go. Well I’m going to go bother blondie now. Talk to you later,” Yuffie said and skipped happily over to Cloud.

Morada felt sorry for him but couldn’t help but chuckle. Time seemed to fly by as she conversed with everyone. When it became extremely late she grew worried about the man she was growing as liking towards. She knew Vandoth was dangerous but she also knew that Vincent took down the strongest of Deepground. Her thoughts kept her awake while she laid in bed. When she finally drifted off into unconsciousness she could only think the worst.

~Time Lapse~
A week later and she was beginning to completely give up hope that Vincent was alive. She had been moping around for the past few days and would always quickly glance at the door when it opened, which was never who she hoped for. Everyone grew worried about her and told her Vincent was fine and he could handle himself. Yuffie even tried cheering her up but it never worked. When the door opened Morada didn't even bother looking at continued looking down at the counter in front of her. She could hear Yuffie yell excitedly and everyone walk into the room.

"It's done," Morada heard that familiar deep voice she was dying to hear again. She quickly turned around to face the one man she couldn't get off her mind. The one man she knew she had fallen for.

"It's about time mister! You've been killing Morada. She's been moping around since you left,' Yuffie yelled at him causing Morada to blush. Vincent raised his eyebrow at the ninja. "Yeah you heard me! You were killing her by protecting her, which doesn't make much sense but that's not the point! You both like each other so stop being stupid and get together already!"

"Yuffie..." Morada whispered. Her face now three times darker than it was before.

"Come on Morada you know it's true and you weren't about to tell him."

"Is that true?" Vincent questioned and Morada nodded.

When Morada looked up at him she could faintly see a hint of a smile on his face. She hadn't realized when he'd gotten so close to her, but she could feel his warm breath on her face. She had to hold back her body from shivering. Before she knew it she felt his lips against hers. Her eyes widened at the sudden contact. When he pulled away she could hardly breathe. She looked up at him stunned. If he hadn't been holding her she would have fallen to the ground.

"Wow." Morada muttered. That's when she saw a smirk upon Vincent's lips.

He leaned towards her again, placing a soft kiss on her lips. They could hear a few chuckles and someone clearing their throat. They both pulled away and looked in the direction of the sound. Everyone was standing to the side with smiles on their faces. Yuffie had her hands on her hips.

"Well don't you both have something to say?"

"Go away." Morada said.

"Meanie! Fine don't thank me since I help get you together."

"Yuffie," Vincent said.


"Thank you."

Beautiful Tragedy

Okay this was based of a really long quote and I really don't want to type the whole thing out. Well this is more of a tragic (as the title says) story that I wrote. Well hope you enjoy

It was another normal day at Midgar High. The day was running smoothly and it was now lunch. Everyone was outside talking with their friends as they ate their lunch. A boy with long silver hair was sitting next to a girl with long brown curls. They were both smiling and joking around with each other like they always did. That was until the girl’s face became serious. She smiled up at the boy and sighed.

“Yazoo, do you love me?” The girl asked.

“I love you more than anything in this world.”

“What would you do for me?”

“I would give you the word in a heartbeat.”

“Would you die for me?”

“I would take a bullet for you any day. Artemis what is this about?” Yazoo asked the girl.

“I’m sorry but I think we should break up,” Artemis told him with tears running down her face.

“What? Why?” Yazoo questioned.

“It’s complicated. You’ll find out soon enough anyway,” She told him and walked away from him. He just sat there speechless as his heart shattered.

As the week passed Yazoo tried to talk to her but she ignored him. The second week that they had been broken up Artemis did the best she could to avoid him. Yazoo couldn’t help but notice that that the girl he still loved was becoming a lot more distant from people around her besides a few of her friends. The think he thought was weird was that she hung out with his youngest brother Kadaj a lot, along with Aeris and Cloud. The days continued to go by and he was slowly moving on. He thought he was completely over her three weeks later but knew he wasn’t when she wasn’t at school one day. He felt like something was wrong but didn’t know what it was.

Yazoo spotted Kadaj and his group of friends during lunch and what he saw both startled and worried him. They all looked extremely sad and some of the girls either were or looked like they had been crying. Yazoo quickly walked over to his brother and laid his hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

“What’s wrong?” Yazoo asked causing Kadaj to look up at him along with everyone else.

“It’s Artemis.”

“What about her. What happened to Artemis?” Yazoo asked them worriedly.

“She died of Geostigma last night,” Cloud answered.

“She died of Geostigma? Why didn’t she tell me?” Yazoo finished asking in a hushed tone.

Yazoo felt his heart break. Artemis was the only girl he ever loved and learning about her death was devastating. He wasn’t exactly sure what to think. He excused himself and walked away from the group, heading towards the bathroom. He locked the bathroom door and leaned against the wall. Tears started to fall as he slid down the wall. He just couldn’t believe all that happened when a thought crossed his mind. He began to think out his plan through the rest of the day.

What Yazoo didn't know was that Artemis only asked him all those questions to hear him say them one more time. She broke up with him only because she thought he would be prepared when her death arrived. She didn't want to crush him but thought that it was the best for him.

After school that day Yazoo went up to his room and pulled out two pieces of paper and began to write as tears fell from his eyes. He folded one of the papers up and put it in his mother's room. He was thankful he was the only one home or he knew he wouldn't be able to go through with his plan. He then walked back to his room that he shared with Kadaj and Loz, one of his older brothers.

Yazoo walked over to his night-stand and pulled open the drawer. He reached down for the object he needed and pulled a gun out of the drawer. He sat down on his bed and looked at the gun. There were so many reasons that were telling him not to go through with it but he made a promise that he was going to keep. With the other note still in his hand he brought the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger.

There was a loud bang that rang throughout the house that the neighbors would be unable to ignore. Yazoo's body fell back against the bed where he soon was laying in a pool of his own blood that was also no splattered on the wall. His medium toned skin soon lost all color that somewhat matched his platinum hair.

Downstairs Loz was getting home from walking to his house with friends from school. He said a quick goodbye to them and walked into the house. He placed his duffel bag on the floor and was about to walk up the stairs when there was a knock at the door. Loz turned and walked to the door and slowly opened it. He looked out and saw a tall black haired women standing there with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Tifa?" Loz asked his neighbor.

"I heard a loud bang coming from your house a little while ago that sounded like a gunshot. I know Yazoo is usually home early and became worried," Tifa explained which caused Loz's face to pale.

"Stay here. I'll check upstairs," Loz told her and quickly went up the stairs.

As he began to approach the room they all shared he walked slowly and cautiously to the door. He slowly turned the doorknob and nudged the door open. He instantly smelled a wretched rust like smell. Loz looked around the room until he spotted the source of the smell. His eyes widened and he screamed.

"What is it?" Tifa asked as she came running and shrieked when she saw the scene. "Oh my God!"

Tears poured down Loz's face at seeing his dead younger brother. Tifa tried to comfort him as she called the police and their mother, Jenova from downstairs. The police were the first to arrive, soon followed by Jenova.

"What's going on! What's happened to my son?" She yelled.

"Calm down madam we are investigating right now," a police officer told her.

"Investigating what? What happened to my Yazoo?"

"From the looks of it your son committed suicide by shooting himself earlier this evening," another officer told her. "He also had this note in his hand." He handed her the bloodstained paper and she opened it, quickly scanning the content.

"Oh my," She began to whimper and read the paper out loud. "'You died for me just as you said you would do. So I took a bullet for you.' IS this because of Artemis?"

"Artemis?" An officer questioned.

"His girlfriend he had been dating for quite a few years died of Geostigma yesterday."

"Do you think this was the cause of your son's death?"

"It's the only thing I could think of," Jenova said through tears. Everyone turned their heads when the door opened.

"Mom, what's going on? There's police cars out front," Kadaj asked as he walked in the door.

"Oh honey," Jenova said wrapping her arms around her youngest son.

"Mom what's wrong? Why are there police here? Why are you and Loz crying?"

"I'm not crying," Loz muttered with tears still running down his face.

"Where's Yazoo? Shouldn't he be home by now?" Kadaj asked noticing his brother was missing from the room.

"Honey..." Jenova started to say when a few medics brought down a stretcher with a black body bag lying on top of it. That's when it hit him like a train.

"No... it can't be. Tell me its not true. He didn't. He couldn't have," Kadaj said then fell to his knees. Tears pouring down his face as he cried.

Kadaj had been the closest to Yazoo in their family. He went to him with all his problems and he always seemed to know what to do. Who was he supposed to turn to now that his brother was gone? He needed comfort but what was he supposed to do when his source of comfort is why he needed the comfort?

There was only one person he knew he would be comforted by but didn't know if he could go to that person. He talked to Yazoo about this person all the time after he confessed that he was gay. Yazoo encouraged and supported him, while it took his mother a while to get the hang of. There was probably only one person who could give him the same type of comfort that his brother had.

"I'll be back," Kadaj said getting back to his feet and walking back out the door.

As soon as he was few feet from his house he pulled out his phone. He pushed a few buttons and pressed it to his ear. As he heard the phone ring he wiped more tears from his eyes.

"Hello?" a voice answered.

"Cloud?" Kadaj softly muttered.

"Kadaj what's wrong?"

"Can you meet me by the pound at the park?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be there in a few."

"Thank you," Kadaj said then hung up.

He put his phone back into his pants pocket and continued to walk. Once he reached his destination he sat down in front of the glittering water. He put his head on his knees and silently began to cry again. When he heard footsteps approach him he lifted his head up. When he saw his blonde friend a slight smile appeared on his face. Cloud walked over and sat next to the silverette with worry written on his face. He wiped a tear from the younger boy's face and pulled him closer.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Yazoo... he killed himself earlier today," Kadaj explained causing and unreadable expression to appear on Cloud's face.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can't begin to imagine what it's like, but know this... I'll always be here for you," Cloud told him and kissed the top of Kadaj's head and pulled him into a hug.

Kadaj was surprised at Cloud's actions but smiled. His crush was holding him in his arms and there was no better feeling. Even though he had just lost his brother and it would continue to hurt, he knew he had Cloud there with him. Comforting him through this tragedy and maybe someday the blonde would be more to him then just a best friend.


Another addition but this time it's FFVII with my own original character

“I intend to live forever... so far so good."

<center><b>“I intend to live forever... so far so good."</b></center>

The sound of clashing swords could be heard from the training room along with commands from a man. If you weren't new around here you would know that Angeal was training 2nd class SOLDIER October Valentine. She was the only female SOLDIER at the moment but she was tough. She had learned a lot form her brother who went missing after an assignment. She joined SOLDIER so she could become a better fighter and find him. With the help of Angeal she was learning quickly.

"Angeal!" A voice called from the doorway.

He looked over and saw Lazard slowly walking over. "That's enough for for today." Angeal dismissed October putting his sword away. She did the same and brushed her bang behind her ear.

"What is it Lazard?"

"I have some news for you."

"What is it?"

"Well we are getting more recruits today and you've been assigned another."

"Why? Is there no one else?"

"Well they saw how quickly you progressed with October and thought you'd be the best for the job. From what I've heard he has a lot of potential, like October when she first arrived."

"When will he arrive?"

"In a few minutes. I will bring him to you. Will you be in here?"

"Yeah, just bring him here."

Lazard nodded and walked out of the room and back down the hall. Angeal sighed and began cleaning up. October strapped her sword on her back and began helping Angeal. As they were cleaning everything up the door opened again. Angeal and October looked up at the door to see Lazard standing there again but this time someone was standing behind him.

"This is Zack Fair," Lazard said and pulled the man in front of him.

"Hi." He waved awkwardly.

"Well I'll leave you three alone," Lazard said then left, shutting the door behind him.

Zack stood there awkwardly, not noticing that both Angeal and October were looking him over. His black hair was spiked up besides two pieces of his bangs hanging in his face. He was tall and skinny but was also built. October thought he looked somewhat like a younger version of Angeal. If she hadn't known better she would have said they were related. She walked over to him and stuck out her hand.

"Hey I'm October Valentine. It's nice to meet you," she told him with a smile as he shook her hand. "Over there is Angeal. He may look scary but when he's not being serious she's a big teddy bear."

"October," Angeal warned.

"Well you are! You're one of my best friends here besides Genesis and Sephy."

"If he heard you call him that he'd kill you."

"No he wouldn't He loves me. Besides I would have Genesis and you to protect me and don't say you wouldn't because you would. That or I can always have Zack here protect me from the big bad Sephy." Zack froze. He knew that she was talking about Sephiroth and to be honest he was scared of that General. He thought October had to have been crazy if she thought he could protect her from Sephiroth. He would be killed in less than a minute. Sure he could try but that wouldn't be enough.

He finally looked up at the girl and finally took in her appearance. She had long black hair that was tied back in a ponytail but would normally reach mid-back. Her eyes were a shade of red that stood out from her pale skin. Her frame was similar to his, slim but also muscular, but not nearly as built. Zack though her smile could light up a room. She seemed like the type that you were always happy around.

"October you know he'd be slaughtered if he did that," Angeal reasoned, "You'd be better off protecting yourself."

"But Angeal look at him... he's too cute to kill. Sort of like a puppy," October smiled while Angeal shook his head.

"Tell that to Sephiroth."

"I think I will! I haven't seen Sephy in forever."

"You saw him yesterday and while you're ate it why don't you show Zack around?"

"You're not coming?" October asked.

"I need to talk to Genesis first."

"Bring him with you when you find him. Well come on Puppy!" October said grabbing Zack's hand and pulling him out the door.

She pulled the man through the hallways, pointing out things as they went. She stopped when she reached the room she was looking for. She smiled when she saw the familiar long silver haired man playing pool. She pulled Zack over and smiled when he looked up at her. He raised his eyebrow at her questioningly.

"Hey Sephy! I know you'd be here. I wanted you to meet Puppy," October said pointing to Zack.

"Puppy?" Sephiroth asked.

"He's cute like a puppy so it's his new nickname."

"Okay, so what's your real name?"

"Zack.... Zack Fair."

"So you're the new recruit I've heard about. Maybe you can help Angeal calm this one," Sephiroth said motioning to October.

"You know you love me."

"That would be Genesis."

"What about me?" a redheaded man in a scarlet coat asked walking into the room with Angeal behind him.

"That you love October," Sephiroth stated.

"Of course I do," he said wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Get a room," Angeal said chuckling.

"We're in a room, you just happen to be in it," October commented.

"I don't think he meant his one," Zack informed her between laughing. Genesis finally noticed him standing there.

"Who's your friend?" Genesis said scanning the man.

"Oh this is Puppy," October said happily. Genesis giggled knowing that it was the kid's new nickname.

"How cute. I can see why though," Genesis said looking over Zack again. He whispered to October, "You sure know hot to pick them. I'm jealous.... you always get the cute ones."

"Cheer up, he's the new recruit Angeal gets to train," She whispered back making Genesis's face light up.

"You're Zack?" He nodded. "Then you're my neighbor!"

Angeal and Sephiroth felt sorry for Zack, knowing Genesis and the way he had been looking at the young man. October smiled looking at Zack. She didn't blame Genesis for taking a liking to Zack. He was gorgeous and from what she read about him before he got there he was a great guy. She felt a bit of jealousy that he'd be so close to Genesis. She couldn't help but being to take a liking to him.

"So Sephy... why were you here by yourself?"

"I was with Genesis until he got mad that he couldn't beat me at billiards."

"Ha told you!" October shouted at Angeal.

"What are you screaming about?" Genesis asked.

"Angeal said that Sephy would kill me if he heard me call him Sephy and I told him he wouldn't because he loves me," She explained causing Genesis to giggle again.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Sephiroth muttered.

"Oh that reminds me, Genesis do you still have my pants from Tuesday?" October asked.

Zack's eyes widened and quickly went back to normal without anyone noticing. He didn't know what to think of her statement. Why did Genesis have her pants in the first place. Did she change in his room? Are they lovers? He wasn't sure that he wanted to know.

"Yeah they're on the dresser. You can go get them if you want."

"Is your door unlocked?"


October nodded and Genesis let go of her. She smiled grabbing Zack's hand again and pulling him out of the room. She let go as they walked down a hallway and reached an elevator. As they got in and the doors closed Zack turned to look at the girl in front of him.

"Hey October can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it Puppy?"

"Uh... I was wondering... are you and Genesis.... together?" He asked and October burst out laughing.

"What gave you that idea?" She said in between small laughs.

"You just made it seem like it. Was there ever anything between you?"

"Heavens no. Zack we're just really good friends. Besides he's gay." Zack's eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped. October had to suppress another laugh at seeing his face. She thought it was kind of cute.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine."

"If you're worried about him like randomly raping you or something don't be, he's not like that. Besides he'll only look," October smiled warmly as the elevator door opened.

"How do you know for sure?"

"I just do, besides I'll protect you from him if needed."

"Uh okay."

They walked in silence the rest of the way. Zack couldn't help but steal quick glances at the black haired girl. He couldn't help but think that she looked familiar. He wasn't sure what it was, her long dark hair, her smile, or her piercing red eyes. October Valentine. The name even sounded familiar. What was it that he heard or seen that seemed familiar about the girl beside him.

"Have I seen you before?"

"No, I don't believe so. I think I'd remember you. Why?"

"You just seem oddly familiar. Do you have any siblings?"

Zack asked causing October to freeze. She looked at him with fear and worry on her face.

"There's not the place to talk about this."

October then grabbed his hand again and pulled him quickly down the hallway. She stopped, pulling a door open, pulling Zack inside with her and closing the door. She let go of him and turned around. Zack couldn't read the emotion on her face. He wasn't sure what to think about her action but was now worried about the normally energetic girl.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"

"It's complicated."

"Why don't you explain it to me?"

"Well it's just that you made me think of my brother."

"So you do have a sibling. Where is he? Maybe I've seen him."

"I have no idea where he is. He went missing a few years ago."

"So that's why you freaked when I said those thing and asked that question."

"Yeah, we were real close and I've hoped someone has seen him. He's the reason I joined SOLDIER in the first place."

"Well tell me about him, maybe I've seen him."

"Last time I saw him he had shaggy black hair, eyes like mine, tall and built, he'd be wearing a suit and had a deep voice."

Zack was silent as he took all this information in. He tried to peace together all the information that the girl had given him. His face lit up when he remembered where he had heard about her brother.

"You're brother was Vincent Valentine?" Zack asked causing October's face to light up also.

"You know him?"

"Well I don't exactly know him. There was this man who had asked if I had seen him after showing me a picture. I also heard people bring up a few times."

"What was this man's name?"

"Let me think. Howard... no... Horace... nope... Hojo?"

"HOJO! You've got to be joking! Why would he want my brother? That crazy mother fu-"

"October calm down. Who is he?"

"A crazy bastard who has crazy experiments," October paused and her eyes widened. "Oh my God! No... it can't be."

October's legs gave out on her and she would have fell to the floor if Zack hadn't caught her. Tears were close to pouring from her eyes. She was shaking, trying to hold in her sobs. Zack looked down at the girl and could see sadness and anger on her face. Zack didn't know much about this Hojo guy or his experiments but he knew it wasn't good.

"If I ever see that man... I'll kill him!" October said as loudly as her voice let her and with so much venom. What she didn't know was that he was closer than she thought.

It had been six and a half months since Zack had arrived to become a part of SOLDIER. He had been waiting to be first class ever since October achieved that the second month he was there. HE had quickly gained a reputation of being a skilled fighter, along with being the kind funny guy who hung out with October. They had become close over the months and were practically inseparable. They had become that thing in each other's lives that they couldn't live without.

"Hey you've got a letter," Angeal said holding an envelope in his hand with a smile.

"What for?" Zack asked curiously.

"Are they finally kicking you out for the training room incident?" October questioned.

"That was an accident and I don't know I haven't opened it yet."

October peered over his shoulder as he slowly opened the envelope. Zack unfolded the paper inside and began to read the content. His eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on his face. October squealed and tightly hugged the man in front of her after he turned around to face her.

"Congrats Zack!"

"October. Can't. Breathe," Zack softly muttered.

October let go of him and smiled and elbowed him in the side softly.


"Hey! It took you the same amount of time for you!"

"Yeah, well I'm cooler."

"Will you both just shut up. I swear you act like you're married sometimes," Genesis said looking him from his book.

October smiled while Zack blushed slightly. Genesis chuckled when he noticed Zack's embarrassment while October was oblivious. He knew his best friend had a thing for the now first class SOLDIER and thought it was cute that Zack was the one blushing at his comment. Being the amazing best friend he was he began scheming.

"Well I've got something I've got to do. See you later," Genesis said and walked out of the room with a smile.

"I think he's trying to be an evil master mind," October declared.

"That's never good," Angeal stated.

Angeal was correct in his statement. Genesis had went to Lazard to get him to pair Zack and October up on the next mission. It took a little convincing but Lazard soon agreed. The only problem was that it was to eliminate or capture a dangerous criminal.

They had been on the mission for a few days now and had been nearly killed several times. October would have been highly irritated if she would've been with anyone else. She realized Zack was a big goof-ball and always looked at the bright side of everything. He knew exactly how to cheer her up and bring a smile to her face. He even calmed her down when they found out the guy they were after worked with Hojo. She almost got herself killed when she heard both of them experimented on her brother. Zack of course saved her butt once again.

"We'll get him don't worry," Zack told her as he helped wrap up her wounds.

"Yeah if we don't get killed first."

"October you need to stop thinking so negatively. Besides I intend to live forever... and so far so good. I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way," Zack told her.

"I'm glad to hear you're willing to but I'm not."

"To bad, I'm not going to let you die."

"Why is that?"

"For one you're my friend and...." Zack began then quietly mumbled something to himself.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch that?"

"I... uh... like you."

"I like you too."

"That's not what I mean." October looked at him and her eyes brightened.

"Aw Puppy. Are you saying you have feelings for me?" She questioned and he nodded with a light blush on his cheeks. "That's so sweet."

October leaned toward him and embraced him in a hug. She smiled and inhaled his scent that could only be described as Zack. She felt him relax and hug her back, causing her smile to grow wider. She leaned up to where her lips were almost touching his ear.

"I like you too Puppy."

She pulled away from him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. He blushed again and looked at his feet. October giggled and couldn't help to think how cute he looked.

"How 'bout you take me out to dinner after we finish this mission?" Zack looked up at her and smiled.

"Sure I'll do that, if you're still wanting to go."

They sat there in a comfortable silence, enjoying each others company. October looked up and her eyes widened. She almost looked like a deer caught in headlights. There were so many thoughts racing through her mind and so many things she wanted to say. Zack turned around to see what the girl was looking at. Out of habit he grabbed his buster sword, holding it out in a fighting stance.

"Zack," October whispered causing him to look back at her. He looked back at the intruder and almost dropped the sword.

"Vincent?" October asked unsure, like her eyes were deceiving her. The 'intruder' nodded.

October ran over and wrapped her arms around him. Tears began to run down her face as she hugged her brother. He tried to comfort her, but it didn't seem to work. Zack couldn't believe Vincent was standing there. He realized how much the siblings looked like each other. He had the same red eyes as October and long black hair that was a little messy. He also wore a red headband to try and keep the hair from his face but wasn't exactly working. He wore a red cloak over what seemed like black leather. He also was wearing a golden claw on his arm that matched his golden boots.

"I missed you. I tried... to find you. So worried," October muttered between sniffles. She looked up at her brother and saw he didn't change much besides his clothing and growing his hair. A smile tugged at her lips and she let go of her brother and backed up a little.

"I missed you too," Vincent said in a deep voice that would have given October goose-bumps if he wasn't her brother.

"Oh this is Zack but I like to call him Puppy."

"Puppy?" he asked like everyone did.

"He's cute like a puppy and he's my puppy."

Vincent nodded catching what she meant. The two siblings sat there and got caught up with what they missed in each others lives. Zack informed him on all the details of their mission and he agreed to help. With a few minor injuries they brought back their target. Vincent decided to stay with his sister and was asked to help train recruits. Genesis couldn't wipe the smile off his face when he heard the news.

"What are you so happy about?" October asked from her spot on Zack's lap.

"Oh nothing," he smiled.

He wasn't planning on telling them it was his doing that get them almost killed, together, and reunited with family. Which reminded him of the gorgeous man in red he was pursuing.

"Have you seen Vincent by any chance?"

"He's down in the training room," October told him.

"Okay, well I'll see you later," Genesis said and walked out of the room.

"Is he still after your brother?" Zack asked.

"It seems that way. I think it'd be cute but I don't know if Vincent has any interest in him."

"I guess we'll just find out." Zack paused then smiled. "By the way what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing why?"

"I still owe you dinner."

"I completely forgot about that."

"Ouch... that hurts." Zack said and pouted causing October to giggle.



"You just looked like a kicked puppy."

"Yeah but I'm you're puppy."

"Yes you are. Now I'm going to go get ready for tonight. Pick me up at seven," October said standing up. She placed a small kiss on Zack's cheek and walked away up to her room with a huge smile on her face.
