Results Contest World's Contest

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who entered the Contest featuring this Contest World. The entries were awesome, cute and very original :3 The three winners are (in no particular order) DarkFox 013, SaxGirl and mewmewpudding. They can request a drawing by me ( or a coloring by me.
Also, Kohaku-Dono had a late entry which would've reached the prizes and as a solution for this I've decided that she can request a dragon art from me. ^^

Here is a list (with links) of all the entries (in chronological order :P). Go check them out!

Contest Banner - by Kami-chan.x3
Contest World Contest :D - by DarkFox 013
My Contest Banner - by demon dragon
Contests Contest Entry - by SaxGirl
Contest's Contest (S.A. Rivalry) - by mewmewpudding
Contest Entry - by Kohaku-Dono

Please be patient with the prize drawings, it may take some time because of all my school work :)
