Okay folks! Japan here yet again. Got the word from SomeGuy and noon works for him as well. Soooo without further ado....
Sakura Con 2015 TheO Meet and Greet:
When: Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 12 PM!
Where you ask?
Right here! It is a public space so you don't technically need a pass to join! Be there, or be square! I am not sure there will be prizes but there will be some fun to be had at the very least! Last year, Slenderman attacked Shinmaru TacoChan! Ahem...I hope to see you all there in a few days!
Heyo, Japan here! Since SomeGuy is returning from ECCC and recovering from a crazy weekend I am making the post again this year! We meet up in the picture down below:
What times work for you guys? I know that I will be busy Saturday starting at 2:30. Maybe want to try round noon? Comment if you plan to attend and what times work for you!
Alrighty! I can't wait for the con to start on day zero tomorrow! Since Saturday April 19th at 3:30 seems to work for everyone, 3:30
It will be!
Again here is the map below! I can't wait to see you all there! (Shin will there be cards against humanity again?)
Hello! Japan here! SomeGuy is busy with cosplay workshop right now so here I am posting in his stead. Sorry for taking so long to make this post but as the title says, better late than never!
For those of us that are coming for the first time, here is a little recap from previous years. We've always met up in this location in the map below: (First floor entrance in the lounge area.)
We always have fun. There are games, sometimes prizes and of course the annual video! So who will be coming? When do you want to meet up? Comment with your ideas. Once we agree with a time and day I or SomeGuy will be making another post with the official time for the meeting. I'm excited for this weekend and I hope to see a lot of you there!
This post is mostly redundant.
Alright, so let's recap for our Sakura-Con meetup:
- When: Saturday, March 30
- What Time: 12:00pm
- Where: The good ol' couches by the front entrance
For those of you new to this rodeo, the good ol' couches/chairs by the front entrance are here on the ground floor of the convention center:
I'm gonna bring some toys and prizes for something I haven't figured out yet. If there's anything in particular you guys want the others to do for prizes, feel free to bring things as well.
Other than that, I think we're pretty set. Should be fun.
See you guys in Seattle!