Freaking Midterm

So i gotta say this, even if no one really cares to read or leave a post.
But I am going to try tto be Theo but bacuase of Midterms,i might not eve be on after school. so this whole week is nothing but freaking midterms
(hence the title of this) so to any that will miss me, or might wish me luck. Thanks a whole freaking lot. I will let you know when I get the chance back on.
See you guys until next week!!!!!!!

CrAzY pEoPlE aRe AwEsOmE

I just met this person(she right next to me)
She is pretty cool. She also loves anime(friendship at first manga)
she has also jumped off her roof(hers words as she told me)
crazy,manga lover, and weird!!!i can tell she and i are going to be good buddy
now that I think about it.... I don't know her name yet.Oh wait she just told me, her name is Dominque noel negron(puerto rican name!!)
i should make like a story and she is the main character and it would seen to real life that you would question if it is real life(dun dun DUN!!!)


Buttons Birthday is this saturday,so i wont be online that day
She is still a bit shy around here so i m hoping anyone would leave her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on her profile
She turns 17


My super freaking uber awesome BFFITWWW(Best Freaking Friend In The Whole Wide World) is about to turn 17. And I am going to make sure she has a freaking awesome day. She is someone that is super special becuase she help me out of my shell( was very anti-social) She means a lot to me and I want her to now how much she means to me. So I thought of three ideas for a crazy outfits(her birthday is near halloween)
1. wear a toga
2. go all dark and emo
3. go as a girl version of Steve Urkel(from Family Matter)
the highest comments on a idea is the one i will dress up as.

nicknames part2

i made a few more friends now that school has started and have some new nicknames...and some of them had it to begin with

Anthony:bob(it was tubby but he wanted to be called polar bear so we just stuck with bob)
Crystal:kris(short for crystal but we use a "k"...go figure)
Dana:Dana...her name is to short but i love her name
Sam:sam(its a boy by, just to let you know the gender)