Small versions: 2988 x 2760 | Large versions: 4149 x 3832
Small JPG (1.4 MB) | Small PNG (800 KB) | Large JPG (2.4 MB) | Large PNG (784 KB)
Part 2 of 2, you can find the companion vector of Misuzu here. Both were used in this wall~
Made in Illustrator using this scan. Definitely not as spectacular as the Misuzu vector, but there wasn't much to work with either :/

Small versions: 2072 x 2322 | Large versions: 4314 x 4384
Small JPG (1.52 MB) | Small PNG (800 KB) | Large JPG (4.44 MB) | Large PNG (1.9 MB)
This is actually part 1 of 2, and I have plans to use this vector in something you'll hopefully see fairly soon :) Made in Illustrator using this scan.
Edit: you can find the companion vector of Yukito here, both were used for this wall.
It's something not related to Sailor Moon! Don't worry, I'll fix that soon enough hoho.

Small versions: 2247 x 2704 | Large versions: 3510 x 4225
Small JPG (1.66 MB) | Small PNG (834 KB) | Large JPG (3.17 MB) | Large PNG (1.37 MB)
Yes, I know, original title. That's all I have left lol.
Soo after working up the courage to finish my last vector, I was motivated enough to take this one on again. It had been sitting around collecting dust since...January?, perpetually annoying me. When I opened it after so long I was taken aback by how little I'd done; it was basically just the outlines to 30% of the hair and 50% of the skin + the eyes and mouth. With TED Talks as mental fuel, it took only...2? days to finish this, surprisingly. Maybe I can focus better when I multitask, IDK.
The scan. I left out the necklace 'cause it was ugly and WTF. IDK what's going on with her hair either, but it's pink and girly and that's enough for me.
As a sidenote, I'm finding it nigh impossible to vector in PS now that AI and I aren't quite strangers anymore /cue tons of projects collecting even more dust

Small versions: 1916 x 2029 | Large versions: 3832 x 4058
Small JPG (498 KB) | Small PNG (498 KB) | Large JPG (2.8 MB) | Large PNG (1.1. MB)
This is the result of the first battle between me and Illustrator. Windows says this project was started in 2011, since I have some progress shots from back then, so this took roughly 3 years to complete (though all in all it probably took like 3 days at most).
What can I say, it was a steep learning curve. Didn't turn out too bad, since I'm still willing to use it, lol.
I used this scan; the hair on the right looks really weird so I left those blade-like parts out, and reconstructed the part on the left. Removed the cherry blossom petals too because they were too pink and happy for me, lol.
Feel free to use this :)

original image | Minitokyo link + description | CoA link
JPG (small): 2000 x 2040 px, 668 KB - [ download ]
JPG (large): 5000 x 5100 px, 2.4 MB - [ download ]
PNG (small): 2000 x 2040 px, 1.4 MB - [ download ]
PNG (large): 5000 x 5100 px, 6.1 MB - [ download ]
PNG versions are background-less :)
Feel free to use it, but please credit me if you do! :)