5 ways to ruin your reading/viewing experience

I'm a big fan of lists, so here's another one! I think I've gone through all these listed here, and I'm proud to say I gave up discriminating against certain books or films just because of their cover. The main theme of this is "Keep your mind open to everything!", and you'll be hearing it a lot during this article.

I'd been working on this for a good few months, maybe even more than a year, when I decided it was good enough to publish. It has been revised numerous times, with me changing terms and adding entire paragraphs, and I'm proud to say I'm happy with it. This is how I feel about all the cliché excuses people provide when refusing to see a film or read a book – sometimes it drives me up the wall and all I want to do is slap some common sense into them.

My advice before beginning to read: toss all prejudices aside and attack any piece of literature or film with an open mind. If you don't, you’ll miss out on treasures you might otherwise enjoy.

Arguing Debates are fully encouraged :]

So, how can one ruin their reading experience?
1. See the film first, and then read the book. If you feel like it.
2. Ask someone else to summarize the book/film you're interested in.
3. Browse the forums related to said book/film.
4. "It's not my preferred genre, therefore I won't touch the thing."
5. Continue reading/watching, even if you hate its guts.

Terms used in this article:
spoiler = is slang for any element of any summary or description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot element which will give away the outcome of a dramatic episode within the work of fiction, or the conclusion of the entire work. [ Wikipedia ]
parody = a work created to mock, comment on, or poke fun at an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation. [ Wikipedia ]
bad film (my definition) = a poorly made film that doesn’t acknowledge its own lack of anything good (be it dialogue, characters, action etc.) and takes itself seriously