Hey, everyone! This is the Dark Heaven WORLD, created by the artist/writer Yuriko91. Here, you will recieve updates, page previews, and character biographies.

Also, this IS for the fans who read the manga to see their favorite characters, Yuki and Cam. If you do not like yaoi, leave the premises.

Change of Face

Hello, everyone.

I'm considering rewriting the Dark Heaven story. It seems a bit cliche and I want to start something fresh. I need to rewrite every character's back story and make the storyline itself very interesting (but it was regardless, no?).

Anyway, it seemed that I started hastily (to see that I would and could make a yaoi webmanga), I didn't have a set storyline, or characters (except for Cam and Yuki).

I hope that this doesn't change the fans' feelings about the comic. Hopefully, Dark Heaven will be back--and better than ever.

You can still visit it at this site too.
