I didn't remember the one I had the other day, but I do remember what I dreamed of last night. :D

I think I became a spy this time. There was even Megaman, LOL, and a few other good guys and I was in a meeting among them. I paired up with Megaman eventually too. xD There was this old Mafia leader who loves only his designer clothes by a company named Toni and the clothes he gets from that. His family only wants his inheritance so he detests them. One day the clothes he got were from an untalented designer (the designers were all named Toni and each replace the one before when they die) and he had him thrown away. (SRSLY WHY DID THIS KIND OF THING COME UP I HAVE NO IDEA.)

I’m not really sure with the events but it was pretty epic. xD There was more too, but Pachi came in the room barking at me and later Prettie jumped in the bed so the dream ended with the Mafia leader looking at himself in the mirror wearing those oogleh clothes. xDD

Yeah. It's weird (as always).

LOL MONKEYS. EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. But I need to go to school to enroll myself and my brother. =3=
