I had lotsa dreamus to tell.

Last night, I was on a boat, a ship actually, that doesn't sail (the ship looks abandoned but there were some people in there), and I went inside a room. And I suddenly was chatting/talking with Sebby. And in one moment I tried to ask him if he has seen Grell. Only that I forgot Grell's name and had a hard time remembering it. XD THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, WILL NEVER HAPPEN FER REAL.

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Honestly, I can't remember the order of my dreams now, so I'll go random. I RODE A HORROR RIDE! *dies* It was... horrific. I was in a horror house on a ride and we were like touring the insides and I were scared and all. That dream happened on the night we visited Fantasyland, an amusement park that was in the town where the resort is. :>

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Oh yes, there were a couple of professional thieves who I think were in scuba gear, minus the oxygen tanks and such, who went up a cruise ship (where I was in too) who tried to stole a precious jewel. A few people chased them, including an aged rich woman. xD I just watched I think. Just observed the action. xDD

There were accessories for sale that looks very lovely and reaaaally cheap! xDD Wish it were really like that in real life. =3=

There were bunch of girls who were with me. Or me with them, I can't tell. And I happen to have one of them's necklace and she was looking for them and even cried. I wasn't aware I had it in my bag (how did it get there in the first place is a mystery) and when I saw it and took it out, I went to return it to her. :>

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Hmmm... I completely forgot the other dreams. Bugger. D:

I'll be puttin' up posts on me adventures in a while! xDD

^consider it a peek of what I am to be tellin' ye.
