Hello everyone and welcome to Nami-chan's Waves of Happiness! This is just a little blog about the everyday life of one Radiologic Technologist. Have fun, and let's ride the waves of happiness together!!!

Admitting you are scared is half the battle...

Hello friends! I hope that everyone has had a good week, because thankfully It is finally Friday! And not only that, it's my weekend off!! YAY!!!! Also, warning, this post contains rants.

I had a terrible week at work this past couple of weeks. I basically came back from my vacation to a cluster. First off, i got kind of sick, as in head-cold stuff, on my trip and that was kinda wearing me down. i couldn't breathe out my nose, and i had terrible pressure headaches by the end of my shifts. Then the weekend kinda went to crap. It was incredibly busy on Friday. I don't think I got to sit down and try to eat my lunch until 8:30 or so. (Given I normally like to eat my lunch or i guess you would consider it dinner, at 7:00. i really don't like to take early lunches because it makes the rest of the day drag.) But yes, not only was it busy, the patients were all multiple exam patients and half of them it seemed you couldn't do by yourself. And then came Saturday.....

You know when the news is broadcasting for the last day and a half that "A very terrible storm is coming, multiple tornados are possible, likely-hood of danger very high" people would have some common sense and stay home. But no! It seems everyone thought "Lets go to the ER for reasons that make no sense, or something that has been hurting me for a week!" how many patients did I do that were really emergency's up until tornado time? probably 3. and probably about 45 other people who really didn't need to be there. And then evening came...and with it sirens and overhead announcements. You know, I have never been working when a tornado warning has been issued for the city. I've worked before when it was issued for the county, but nothing has ever come as close as that tornado did to hitting the hospital. Now, you have to remember, I have lived through a tornado before. albeit i was young...probably...5 or 6 at the time, but these are things you don't forget. I don't want to go into too much detail, but i was scared. Like crying scared. When they said that tornado was on a direct course towards the hospital, i really didn't know what to do. I didn't feel safe where we were, and that was probably just a mental thing, but I didn't. I spent the whole time on the phone with my brother. He lives in the neighboring town or what you would call a suburb of my town only to the west, the storm was headed east. When i told him "I don't know what do." he goes "Just follow what your supervisor tells you to do." And when I respond "I am the supervisor right now" he goes "then you need to be strong and set the example for your coworkers. you can't be crying right now, you need to be strong". So i did..I calmed down and made sure everyone was prepared for what was coming....sure i was still scared....and tears where still in my eyes...but i did what needed to be done. I think the scariest part was when i couldn't hear the wind anymore.....if you live here you know....when everything goes quiet and still...that's a really bad sign. but thankfully the tornado turned and went on a different path and we were safe! Also, just some facts, the tornado apparently stayed on the ground for over 2 hours and was approx one mile wide.

Now, after the warnings had been lifted and the rescue efforts began, things became super busy! I stayed at the hospital until 1am to help. and when I came back on Sunday things weren't that much better. but that was to be expected, and i fell sorry for the people who have lost their homes and possessions! i did a family who lost their house and were trying to search through the debris and see what they could salvage and he fell on a loose piece of wood and broke his ankle. As if he didn't have enough to worry about!

And Monday was just a frustrating day because i come into work, and no one tells me that one room is down and another is being worked on, so i stamp all my films for this patient in a room, and go in to see the repair guy on a ladder. Anyways, to make a long story short, someone ran my films in the wrong reader, and i basically had to take over half my films over again because the computer/reader "Ate" them. I was soo frustrated! and the night only got worse.

but the past two days have been busy but not as bad, but I am still looking forward to my weekend and a break from it all. but yes, i guess the moral of the story is, it's okay to be scared! ^__^

The Ground I Continue To Tread...

Hello everyone!! Wow, it's been a really long time since I have last updated. But to be completely honest, not a lot has changed around these neck of the woods. Let's start off with a few things shall we?

First and foremost I guess, I now have an adorable niece who is about to turn 3 this month and my "little man", my nephew and godson, who is about 15 months. My little people mean the world to me, and i have practically helped raise them. Just after my little man was born, I watched them from about 6am in the morning till I had to go to work around 2:30pm. OH yes, that reminds me. I think the last time i posted I was still working 3rd shift. Well, I have moved up to 2nd shift and a full time rate. i have been working second shift for about 2 years now. I love working second shift because we all know I'm not a morning person. So yes, I took care of my little people in the morning and then went to work at night. It was like working two jobs! Though i must say, I think they have prepared me to have kids of my own some day.

Let's see...what else has been going on....well we all know I love to travel and I have been doing a lot of that. Seeing new places and going to lots of concerts! I am really excited because at the end of this month I get to see my favorite band...SNOW PATROL!!! If you have not listened to snow patrol before i suggest you go and open your itunes and try a sample. Their music is wonderful. I sometimes listen to it all day long.

Okay, I know i didn't put very much, but i will try to update this more often. I hope that everyone has been well and that the new year and the spring season is treating you well also!!!

The Quiz Everyone Is Taking

Here's my result. I'd say it generaly fits.

7 - the Adventurer

Thanks for taking the test !

7 - the Adventurer

you chose AX - your Enneagram type is SEVEN (aka "The Enthusiast").

"I am happy and open to new things"

Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.

How to Get Along with Me

• Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.

• Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.

• Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.

• Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.

• Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.

• Don't tell me what to do.

What I Like About Being a SEVEN

• being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down

• being spontaneous and free-spirited

• being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.

• being generous and trying to make the world a better place

• having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures

• having such varied interests and abilities

What's hard about being a SEVEN

• not having enough time to do all the things I want

• not completing things I start

• not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career

• having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies

• feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship

SEVENs as Children Often

• are action oriented and adventuresome

• drum up excitement

• prefer being with other children to being alone

• finesse their way around adults

• dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up

SEVENs as Parents

• are often enthusiastic and generous

• want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life

• may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive


haha good grief it has been a long time hasn't it? I've been busy with work as always. It's hard to get into a regular schedule on my days off and then have to go back to sleeping during the day again. Most of the time I have the house to myself which is awesome because both my roommates work during the day. It makes it easy to sleep and then just lounge around. The roommate I share my room with is really nice and considerate. She has two jobs but she's always very quiet when she comes home and changes clothes and such. Apparently she sits and plays on the computer for a bit and I don't even notice. I guess when I fall asleep I fall ALL the way asleep.

My roommate and I hung up Christmas lights the other day inside the house. They look soo awesome! They start in our room, her half of the room has multicolor lights and then my half has blue lights, and then they go into the hallway, and they turn into icicle lights, and the icicle lights go down the hallway and all the way around the dining room. It gives it this awesome atmosphere when they're turned on! It's kinda romantic in a way. it's just so pretty! then they go about 1/4th the way into the living room and those are regular multicolor lights above this painting my roommate did. It looks awesome. I need to take a picture to show everyone.

Anyways, why is Nami-chan super excited you ask? BECAUSE I GET TO SEE ALEX THAT'S WHY!! Yeap that's right! I am once again riding on those birds in the sky to visit my good dear friend! I am soo excited!! I'm not quite sure what all we're doing, lots of fun and frolicking of course, but I believe we're going to visit Williamsburg and Jamestown! We know how much I love history!! I can't wait to visit those places!! SOOO EXCITED! *Hops up and down*

Well, other then work, nothing too much has been going on. I went to my brother's house the other night cuz he was having a party, so I played Guitar Hero: World Tour with him and his friends. It was a lot of fun. I am a bass master!! He played the guitar half the time and drums the other half and then his other friend sang and played drums switching with my brother. Then another of his friends came and he had the full band. Totally kick ass.

well, I'm off to work! Tonight's my last night before my trip! my co-worker is all excited for me as well! she's lots of fun! I hope everyone has a great week!! Take care all!!!

Move Out

hello all of my friends! I know I like hardly ever update this page, but I just wanted to let you know that I will be out for awhile as I am moving this weekend. Meaning, there might be an adequate span of time where I do not have internet. I don't know yet if my roommate has called the company that we usually use to get internet from and tell them they need to set it up. So it might just be a few days, it might be a week. In the meantime, this means I can watch all the stuff I have on my computer! haha. Now i can finally finish Gundam OO! Yay! I hope to talk to you all real soon. For now, this is Nami-chan, signing off on the home front.