Remember to switch the file type to JPEG before trying to upload... -.-;;;


In English, we were presented with a "christmas present"... This turned out to be a written essay over the christmas holidays. Charming. Thanks so much Mr. Chapman, we loved that present. ¬_¬

~Lavender Girl~


Ugh, I'm so bored... Or should I say je m'ennuie tellement? Yeah I'm stuck in French writing anything I can about myself and stuff... Bored...

~Lavender Girl~


Hahahahah... I've written two songs now. Wow. They're so passive aggressive X3
AND I'm writing another... See how that goes~~

~Lavender Girl~

The 4th Dimension

Time, time, the 4th dimension, where does it all go...? It's not like you can keep a hold of it either... It all just slips through our fingers like water, so precious yet hard to keep still. Though there is no bucket to catch time...

~Lavender Girl~