still sick...

So yeah still sick. Went to the doc and he said I had a uper respatory whatchamacallit.. I was trying not to cough to death while he was talking so I kinda missed what he said.. but yeah.. got meds for it now though that took forever to find something cause a lot of meds mess with my kidney meds so I have to be careful.

But as much as I'm coughing I've been working threw it cause I'm busy with school and set ( for musical). Talking about musical, we are doing 'singing in the rain' apparently not many high school do it cause its a bigger show or something (never saw the musical.. should probably do that) but the directer wanted to do it so here we are. As stage crew I'm kinda worry about the rain but... yeah.

Anyway I was sick all last week so I have some art work that I will put up soon. So I guess look forward to that.
