Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...
The Four Core Keyholders
Kita Hikichi is the series' second female lead. (Kita: What, I don't get a cool title like "third-in-command" or something?!)
Specialty: Hand-to-hand and Añi fans
Likes: horsing around, combat sports
Dislikes: DRESSES, long lines/waiting a long time
Relatives of note: father, younger sister (Shiori)
Closest friends: Toki, Mara
Others' views of her...
Shiori: I like my sis'. She's cool. ^^
Takeshi: She's very enthusiastic. ^-^
Toki: She's weird. (Kita: Hey! <_<) But I like her.
Reka: Kita's crazy. (Kita: WHAT was that?! / Takeshi: Please calm down.)
Mara: Kita is a lot of fun. ^^
Sharon: She's a loose cannon -- way too impulsive. (Kita: Aw, come on, guys!!!)