Customs and Ranks

An Interdimensional Custom
Body markings called family marks are a native custom passed down to colonizers. Because many natives used their village name as a surname, they used body markings to denote blood lineage. Family marks are generally placed where most visible -- on the face or hands.

Fighter Ranks and Secret Techniques
Fighters in each Gate are given a rank or class -- the higher the rank, the more powerful the fighter is considered.

Water Gate Ranks
Mizukaze: A rookie class fighter who can use the Water Gate's form of Telekinesis.
Moyajin: A basic class fighter who can use simple forms of water (mist, for instance).
Nataña: An intermediate class fighter who can use water.
Mizujin: An elite class of Water Gate fighters who have the control needed to initiate the Water Gate’s secret techniques.

Fire Gate Ranks
Hikaze: A rookie class fighter who can use the Fire Gate's form of Telekinesis.
Netsujin: A basic class fighter who can use simple forms of fire (blasts of heat, but no actual fire, for instance).
Hijin: An intermediate class fighter who can use fire.
Yogan: An elite class of Fire Gate fighters who can manipulate magma.

Secret Tecnhiques
Secret techniques are confined to a small percentage of the populations of the Gates. Every Gate has a different style of telekinesis that most people can use. On the next level, some people can use a certain form of an element like fire or water (for example, heat or mist). Then there are those who can actually use the element itself, and then there are the small percentage in the highest class who can use the secret techniques. These techniques get passed from person to person, but only to those within that small percentage.

Nami Kaita
The secret technique of the Kaita village. It forms tsunamis and ice storms. While it is extremely powerful, it is also very difficult to control.

Surika Aite
The secret technique of the Llania region of the Fire Gate. It forms large amounts of heat and fire, even causing volcanic eruptions, or making lava flow. It can only be used by the Yogan class (those who can manipulate magma, an elite class of fighters). Ultimately, it is a double-edged sword. The heat can cause the user to pass out, and the technique requires a lot of stamina, as it easily tires the user.

Colorful Messages
The color of the clothing denotes a character's affiliations with a particular village or social class.
The residents of the Kaita village wear blue, purple and grey.
The Fire Gate elite wear bright, hot-colored clothes, and the lower-class residents dress in cool colors.
