Eternal Storm builds on Eternal Rain's original cast...
Water Gate Ally
Taki Kobayashi is a the team's youngest member.
Specialty: water elemental attacks; her rank is NataƱa (intermediate fighter class).
Likes: playing with her little cousin, water sports
Dislikes: winter, creepy bugs like centipedes
Relatives of note: mother, father, cousin (Hana)
Closest friends: Takeshi, Hana, Shiori
Others' views of her...
Takeshi: Taki is a smart, helpful girl. ^^
Hana: Taki is fun and nice. =^^=
Shiori: She's a good helper. :)
Kita: Taki is very energetic. ^^b
Sharon: She's a little on the young side to be draggin' into fights...