1. Pick a character, stay in character
2. Make them answer the questions
3. Tag some peeps
Time to entertain ourselves at Reka's expense. XD
Reka: *exasperated sigh* Why do you do this to me? >_<#
Reka Norikawa
Age: 16
Series: Eternal Rain universe
1. Interviewer: Have any siblings? (half siblings and stepsiblings count)
2. Interviewer: How many members do you know are in your family tree?
Five. Not including myself.
Me: His mom, dad, two uncles and an aunt. Though the aunt and uncle on his dad's side fell out of touch long ago and his relationship with them is pretty much nonexistent.
Do they have to know all that?
3. Interviewer: What is your favorite game?
Soccer, hands-down.
4. Interviewer: How is your love life?
None of your business.
5. Interviewer: Do you have any royal blood?
6. Interviewer: If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?
... My friend, Hisao.
7. Interviewer: What is your favorite movie?
Sheesh, it's been ages since I've had the time to sit down and watch a movie. I guess my current favorite is "Chrono Corps". It's a sci-fi about a special ops unit that deals with time-travel emergencies.
8. Interviewer: Have any secrets?
NONE. of. your. BUSINESS.
9. Interviewer: Creepiest experience?
*---sigh---* You, demanding that I tell all of my personal business. Can I please leave now?
10. Interviewer: Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?
The one who put me on this interview.
Me: *gulp*
At least at the moment.
11. Interviewer: Do you go on social media?
No time for that.
12. Interviewer: If you're in a relationship who kissed who first :3? (If you haven't kissed that's ok)
I HAVEN'T kissed, and even if I had, that's ESPECIALLY none of your business!!
13. Interviewer: Anyone you have or had a crush on?
GAH, just lay off, already!!
Kita: To ~~ ki ~
Where did YOU come from?!?! >///<
Kita: *poofs away*
14. Interviewer: What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?
I'm not telling you. >,<##
15. Interviewer: Are you married?
HECK, no!!! I'm only 16!! //>///<//
16. Interviewer: What's your favorite place to be with your partner/friend?
My favorite place to go play soccer with my friends is the riverbank.
17. Interviewer: Who's the person you hate the most?
At the moment, that's a toss-up between a couple people. But I'd say the worst of them is that wretch, Tetsuyama.
18. Interviewer: What's your favorite food?
I like apples and apple pie and stuff.
19. Interviewer: What's your favorite weapon?
Don't need one. I can control fire.
20. Interviewer: What's your favorite prank to pull?
If you wanna talk pranks, go to my buddy, Daisuke.
21. Interviewer: Who's your favorite among your team?
*scratches head* That's --
Kita: Toki!!
Get OUTTA here, woman!! //>////<//
*both play-fighting*
22. Interviewer: Is anyone like a rival to you?
I don't think of anyone that way. ( mutters: ) Though Satoshi most likely sees me as a rival.
23. Interviewer: Favorite celebrity?
I could care less.
24. Interviewer: Got in any fights?
More than I'd like.
25. Interviewer: Anything to say to anyone reading this?
Don't take this interview.
Me: Reka!
I'm going home!!