A Plea for Prayer

It has been far too long since I've done anything on this site, but if there's one thing I do while I'm on break, I've got to do this.

Right now I'm in a very great place...As much as life can be difficult, I'm very happy to be where I am right now. But also, I can be afraid. I can be afraid of failure and afraid of the future.

Furthermore I have to confess that I have made mistakes. I've made stupid mistakes, I've made big mistakes, and I do not want those mistakes to define me.

I'm not being specific because I've prayed over this one too many times, but now I implore you, my friends, to please pray with me and pray for me as I prepare to go back into my work.

Please pray that I do not let fear overtake me and pray that I can go through this year as God has planned for me to.
Please pray over my simple and stupid mistakes, not for the goal of perfection, but to stand in this unforgiving and brutal world and to become a better person.

Pray for mercy which is not so common to find, and please pray for my family as we go through this difficult time of the year.

Likewise I will pray for you all and have your best will in my heart.

Much love,
