Letter to Object of Affection

[This is my entry for the January Fan Challenge. Also keep in mind this is entirely fictitious. Thank you.]

Dear Bamboo Goddess,

Hello! I hope you are well. I haven’t heard from you in awhile. I mean, all my emails keep bouncing back, so I’ve been really worried, which is why I’m writing this now. I hope you don’t mind me sending you this; I’m not used to writing in letter format, so it may end up sounding more like an email than a proper letter, haha.

You know, now that I think about it, it’s been quite some time since we’ve been able to meet at all, huh? You’ve been busy, of course, and I fully understand that so don’t worry one bit! You have that big research project, right? How’s that going?

Anyway, I’ve been preoccupied with a lot of things myself. It’s such a shame we can’t hang out and enjoy ourselves more often. Gosh, the last time we saw each other was ages ago! We really should work out some type of meeting place. I don’t care how honestly, whatever you prefer as always. Darn these long distances that keeps us apart! Even in the technology age, we’re still so limited sometimes.

Oh! Have you met with any of the others from the old days yet? I know the one guy was on your mind a lot the last time we talked, so I’m wondering if that’s improved at all. But remember my advice! If a guy stops contacting you like that, then maybe he’s just not interested. At that point, you should move on to someone else who will care about and take care of you. I’m sure there’s someone more than willing to fill that role, no worries!

Sorry if this letter is a bit random. I just have so many thoughts bouncing around at once! Know what I mean? I get like that when I’m nervous or excited. Maybe that sounds a bit strange, but I can’t help feeling this way. Truth be told, I really value our friendship. If I hadn’t met you back then, I don’t know what I’d be doing with myself today. I have a clear goal in life thanks to you. Although, it’s funny, I didn’t really notice you at first. You hid yourself quite well then. It wasn’t until you suddenly left us that I realized just how much I treasured your presence. Things weren’t the same after that; it felt like a huge void remained, always reminding us of how you used to brighten our days. No wonder so many of us worked so hard to get you back!

Of course, I was the only one to really stick it out. The gray goose abandoned you halfway and the boobs on legs just sat around doing nothing. Meanwhile, I worked tirelessly, both on and off. That was one of the longest years I can remember, but it was all worth it once you returned! I’d do anything to ensure your safety, my friend, even if that means sacrificing my own life. All I ask is you accept me into yours. That’s all I’ve ever asked, so please, if you could do this one thing for me…

… whoops, sorry, got a bit weird back there! Either way, I hope you’ll keep in touch!

Your devoted and ever-watching servant, Iulia
