Girly Pink and Blue Outfit

Kind of not relevant to this world, but just wanna say sorry if I've been kind of slow to reply to comments. orz JUST BEEN... A LITTLE ABSENT-MINDED LATELY... Anyway, clothes.

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I LOVE DRAWING PUFFY SKIRTS... "Puffy Skirt" is basically where my mind goes when I think "skirt"... BUT YEAH, I had a lot of fun drawing this. idk why. I just really like how these light, cutesy kinds of colors look on Kasey. *U*/ SO FUN. The colors remind me a lot of another outfit I made for Kasey... I tend to use pink and blue pretty often for Kasey, I guess. Well maybe not blue, but I definitely gravitate toward pink, haha.
I'm also pretty pleased with how the gold accents ended up looking with the outfit. :0 I didn't know I'd like the gold beads with the white, pink, and blue color scheme as much as I do.

So yeah. I don't have shoes designed for this outfit (because I know almost nothing about shoes HAHA...), but FEEL FREE TO DESIGN SOME YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS OUTFIT! *U*/
