hey welcome to fatt boii's lair my world is about talkin all things bleach

charecter- the hunter

Name: The Hunter
Age: unknown
Species: soul reaper??
Gender: male
Normal form: features depend on shell-weapon- zanpakutou- simple broad sword
Ghost: white and red clown like mask, short red and black levitating body. Strong arms no legs. Weapon-nameless one- kill- becomes distorted and twisted. There is an rounded shape cut out from hilt till near the tip
Shi Kai-steel shoulder pads spikes pointing behind. Thick animal hide covers rest of body. Appearance has same dependence as normal form. Weapon- nameless one- kill- reflection- single handed staffs with blades on either side, covered in blood red markings
Bankai- Shi Kai uniform becomes blood red surrounded by a black aura. Weapon- nameless one- kill- combine- the Shi Kai weapons combine creating a giant single handed version with an invisible blade in the centre

a 'Hollow' day

A ‘hollow’ day
It was early when the Hunter woke from his dream world. The sun had begun to streak through the slight gap between his curtains. He looked up to see nameless one sitting beside his bed. The nameless one looks dark and evil, in his blood-red cloak that surprisingly feels like blood. He has long black hair that sits above his shoulders. His face is long and thin with ice blue eyes, a cruel thin line that was his mouth and a small pointed nose. A long, thick scar stretched from his left eye to the point of the chin. “Have a good nap” he said in his deep, ancient voice just can easily strike fear in anyone’s heart. “Shu.......t up” he said as he yawned picking up my alarm clock. He sighed as he saw it was only 7:00 am, 28th June, two days after he went into his dream world. He got up walked over to the bench and turned on the kettle, pulled a cup out of the cupboard, put in some instant coffee and sugar as the kettle began to whistle. He opened the fridge and looked down and again sighed, looked up at nameless one and said “no milk”.
“Nameless one where’s my wallet?” the Hunter said as he walked around the small room, pulling bits of furniture from where they belong “I hate the human world”. “No hunter you hate it when you don’t get any coffee” nameless one said in such a smartarse voice. The wallet flew across the room from nameless one’s hand and hit the Hunter in the back of the head. He shouted, grabbed his wallet and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
The Hunter walked from the old, house that he had been living for three days. He walked and walked until he reached the city, there he crossed the road and walked into the small corner shop. He walked over to the shop fridge and pulled out a litre carton of milk flicked the cashier a five cent coin grabbed a bag, putting the milk in the bag and left. The cashier chased him out the door yelling and swearing at him. He just kept going and as he reached other side of the road it started to rain heavily.

The Hunter entered the old house, water dripping out of every piece of clothing he was wearing. “I hate human cloths” the Hunter said as he walked past nameless one again “you still haven’t had your coffee have you?” nameless one asked as the Hunter closed his bedroom door and in seconds he was out again in a new outfit. He made the coffee and sat down to drink it when the chair broke. The coffee spilt all over him. It scalded him, making him scream. The scream was not from pain though; it was due to the hindrance of the day, this was the worst day he had ever had, it even beat the day Byakuya betrayed him. He made another coffee, began to take a sip and then felt a presence in the woods “Hollow”.
The Hunter ran from the house, zanpakutou in hand. Through the trees the ugly head of a massive hollow was fighting an unknown being. The Hunter ran through the 10 metre tall. As he reached the hollow he saw a young female soul reaper fighting for her life. The hollow started to scream “a trap, so many soul reapers. You, you have set me up”. The hollow reached for the girl’s throat. The Hunter ran forward slicing the hollows arm off; he swung around killing the girl. “Where are they?” the hollow screeched as the Hunter stood into his battle position. “Nameless one-kill” I called to nameless one. The simple blade began to glow and distort in its unique shape. He disappeared, then reappeared behind the hollow and drove blade into the hole and spun it anti-clockwise.
The hollow began to slowly change back into the soul that he used to be. “Ahhh. Thank you” the soul said to the Hunter as she fell to her knees. Again he stabbed the soul taking part of it sending the rest back into the soul society.
The Hunter walked back the house and nameless one was sitting on the floor eating a packet of chips. The Hunter picked up his coffee and took a sip. “ COLD”.

the glitch list

This is my glitch list that I encountered during the last holidays 1. Star wars KOTOR 2- The Sith lord- well as you enter the fuel deposit as T3 to open the mining tunnels and he is destroyed. The screen went black and didn’t load so I...

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THe DREAM WORLD-part 3 of hunter story

The characters except for the hunters don’t belong to me they belong to tite kubo
It was late and she still hadn’t been able to fall asleep and Ichigo’s wounds had reopened in his sleep. She had spent half the night re-bandaging his wounds. The stale smell of the room was the only thing keeping her awake.After another hour she finally began to slowly slip into a deep sleep.
I began to fall through a tunnel of bright light. I tried to scream but not a sound came out. My head began to spin as I fell further and further into the bright light and suddenly I hit the ground but the light disappeared and there was only darkness.
A voice came from within the darkness “I am gonna to kill you. Now this time there is no escape”. I knew the voice and I tried to say his name but I still couldn’t speak. It was the hunter, so I started to run as a hand grabbed my foot and tripped me over. Another hand came out of the ground when my voice suddenly returned; my scream pierced this dark world.
I tried all of my abilities but when I did none of them did anything. The freakish head of the Hunter popped out of the ground and the devilish laugh filled my ears. I fell and blanked out.
I woke again but not in my world or the world I was just in. I tried to move my arms and legs but they wouldn’t move. My chest burned and I then realised that there was a large slice from my left shoulder to my bottom right rib. I can see some of my ribs.
I started to notice the room and it was just a simple bedroom with no doors and no windows. There was a single bed and a lamp on a bedside table. There was a moist rug on the middle of the floor but there was a strange smell coming from it. the smell was starting to choke me. The smell was unknown to me, so unbearable, so strong. “Little girl” the Hunter’s voice came from the corner of the room. The corner had become dark. The glowing blood red eyes peered at me. A memory started to come back to me. They were the eyes I saw the day I found Byakuya. “Hunter” I said in a very ghostly voice. I saw a mirror across the room and I saw that my face had become white. He stepped out of the shadow with a very cruel smirk on his face. A small ball of fire appeared in his hand and he dropped it on the carpet and it was engulfed in the by the fire. I could feel the heat of the flame getting closer and closer. My body began to shake and I heard “wake up, wake up”.
My eyes opened to see Ichigo standing over me, his bandages had turned red again. But my eyes couldn’t stay open, and slowly they closed again.
Again I fell through the bright light, my head spinning more than before but this time I was ready for it and I landed on the ground with grace. The hand came out of the ground, and I moved out of the way. “Special seal, heart stop” was all I heard before an immense pain grasped my chest, I fell, lost all sense of myself and again I started to shake “get up now”.
Ichigo had awoken me again in the stale old apartment room. He was obviously in pain and the bandages had been take off, so the wound looked worse than when it had originally appeared. My drooping eyes wondered down to the floor. And then again I fell into a deep sleep.
This time there was no light and my head was no longer spinning. This time I was in the room again but there was no wound and I could move. A sentence was written in blood on the wall ‘see yourself as you truly are. All will break and the dream will end.’ I sat on the bed thinking over and over ‘what could it mean’. “Young lady need some help” the voice had came from behind me, so I turned to find the smirking figure of the Hunter, zanpakutou in hand, blood dripping from the tip. ”This is finally a place where we can fight without being interrupted”. I drew my blade and I ready myself for what I thought to be my last fight. I held my ground as he swung, hard and fast, knocking my blade into the mirror smashing it into thousands of pieces revealing a tunnel of colours, so I made a dash for it reaching it would only be seconds away but the Hunter was already in front of the door. “Arghhhhh” I screamed as he drove the blade into my leg. Bleeding profusely, pain shotting through my body, I picked up a shard of glass and stabbed the Hunter in the gut. He shrieked at the blow and gave me my chance I entered the tunnel and I again awoke in the apartment filled with the smell of Ichigo’s cooking. He had re-bandaged himself and had wrapped my chest and knee in a tight fitting wrap. An end to the worst nightmare ever, the Hunter style.

wolf warriors

Part 1 ME
“Welcome this is the last assembly of the year” a dark skinned man said as he stood on a podium in front of our entire school. A large howl blow over the whole hall as a small wolf jumped over the entire crowd onto the stage as the dark skinned man shouted “someone get that wolf. The wolf let of a sort of low pitched howl. Four students including me stood up drawing our weapons the man screamed to us to sit down that the teachers would deal with it but we didn’t listen. We all began to howl in sequence with the wolf. I walked up to the platform at which the man on the microphone grabbed my arm so he lost his. He started to cry as I began to speak.
“Welcome to the wolf warrior initiation. WP, WM, and the possible WB” I said over the microphone as the three males walked up at the mention of their name, each with a different weapon except for WB who had a silver ring on his right index finger as he had not been accepted into the WOLF WARRIORS yet. “Now THE WOLF can you howl the change of the WOLF” I said as the wolf began to howl in a very unique way. The ring on WB finger expanded and spikes pushed their way through the metal with a slight squeal of metal rubbing against metal. A rod appeared straight through the centre.

Part 2 WB
A small voice rung through my head and all I could hear was throw, throw, throw. So I listened and throw the ring killing several people as the ring lands back in my hand. The blood dripped from the ring “WB grab the blunt spike and flick” WP shouted at and I did so it turned into an axe. I began to swing leaving trails of blood and broken bodies. By the end the once clean and crowded hall was full of dead bodies and covered in blood.
Part3 me
“Well done WB. M & P search for the black vipers” I said on the microphone to the wolf warriors and within seconds they returned with one dead body and a critically wound person “ah close enough” I said to WB as a cruel smirk slowly grew. I drew my sword and lifted the black viper by the gaping wound in his shoulder. I drove my sword on an angle into his stomach. He let out a deafening cry that would make anyone’s ears bleed but we WW just love it. The blade began to grow white hot under my fingers so I sliced the viper in half and re-sheaved my blade.

After the initiation ceremony we celebrated the victory with a drink and WB asked a very important question “Hey UW how the hell did we disguise ourselves as six year olds for two weeks and still get away with it? Where sixteen for god sake and you three have bloody weapons” his voice was rushed with excitement and gusto so I gave him an answer. “Well WB I have no idea” I answered with enthusiasm. “Wait why were the Vipers disguising themselves as six year olds in the first place?” WB asked as the thought popped into my head “you arsehole I just thought of that, that’s why we’re going to see the informant” I said with a cruel smile on my face drawing a small syringe from my pocket and injected it into WB’s spinal area.