
Oh no. That was all Xenosa could think.

"Len, you are not sticking me with that stuck up, lip stitched, prissy pantsed, elf girl. I ain't going with her."

Although it was true, she could kill Len in a fight, he was not the person to disobey. Just because he looked like a weak little human, doesn't mean he was. She heard stories that he was actually a fallen angel in human skin. So while she detested the option, she knew she couldn't change it.

"I never asked to be your partner, but I am mature enough to accept the job for the betterment of the Vesper race."

Man that dumb girl made Xenosa's blood boil. She whipped around and almost smacked the girl in the face but Calypso grabbed her wrist. Xenosa screamed in anger. "Bitch, let me go!" she hollered. People were beginning to stare.

The elf made no remarks, just let Xen's hand go and smiled. "No let's try to get along." It was the most false voice Xen had ever heard, and she knew it was meant just to get on her nerves.

Xenosa sighed and relaxed. "Fine. Lets go." But before leaving she turned to Len and said, "If I end up killing myself due to forced insanity, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life." With that she walked out. Calypso turned to Len and whispered something in his ear. Xenosa didn't hear anything. She didn't even notice.

"You coming?" she shouted without turning around. At the sound of Xen, Calypso got up and followed her out into the city and they continued to walk past the border and into un-settled Eschazy.

is that okay greeny?
