Meet Nitemare

More pics? [Here's one]

Name: Nitemare (No, That is not just "Nightmare" spelled incorrectly.)
Height: approx 2 3/4 inches
Weight: about the same as one of those pink pearl erasers
Hair: Mostly straight, a little wavy, and some unevenness in the length, bangs vary. BRIGHT pink.
Eyes: almond shaped, dark purple.
Clothes: Skimpy, but usually quite flamboyant or colorful, often flower themed. Doesn't enjoy shoes, though she does wear them occasionally, and she often wears a good deal of gold jewelry and a crown.
Other Physical Characteristics: Pinkish skin, like a regular white person who spent too long in the sun. Long, pointy ears. Extravagant purple wings.
Flaws: Grumpy and untrusting. She won't talk to anything that can not fly. Curious.
Fears: Captivity, humans, and spiders.
Skills: Green Thumb.
Personality: Kind of a B----, she's snobby and demanding. She's superior to others, and knows it well. Hard to impress.
Speaking Pattern: Doesn't speak often, when she does it's fluid and graceful despite her bitter word choices, and mocking habbits.
~Color: pale mint green.
~Food: Berries and cheese
~Activities: Flying, Gardening.
~Toothpaste: (Do fairies brush their teeth?)

Background: She is a princess, and as a young fairy she was very sweet and kind. She looked as though she were to be a fit ruler for her kingdom, however she had overwhelming curiosity, and at night she would often wander away to explore the world around her. One day she discovered a small village with Humans in it, and she was fascinated by these large, unflying creatures, so she started visiting their village often to observe and learn about them, however she kept her distance for a while. One night, while wandering through the village, she saw an open window, and couldn't resist the urge to crawl through. Inside she found a work desk on which sat a very unsightly flower. It was near dead, and it's wilted petals were falling on the papers around it's pot. Nitemare decided that it couldn't hurt to use some magic to help this poor flower, but unbeknownst to her, a man had just been coming back to his work at the desk. He saw nitemare, and was fascinated by her, and tried speaking to her, frightening her, and sending her flying out the window. The next night she returned and saw a plate of berries and cheese on his window seal, she loved berries, but had never had cheese before, and decided to try it, while she had her mouth full, the man spoke softly to her, asking her her name and various other questions. She lightened up, and the two of them started talking, and ended up being friends, she started returning to his house nightly to talk to him. He was a scientist, and was very fasicinated with her magic, but she didn't understand it, and couldn't tell him much about it.
One day, her parents announced her betrothal to a man-fairy. (More info may or may not come later on him) She was upset, because even though she knew she had to marry to be queen, she didn't want to marry a man she had never even met an probably didn't love, she ran to her scientist guy friend (Just realised he doesn't have a name...) and told her she was upset. To cheer her up, he gave her a gift, a tiny golden bracelet that he had made for her. She loved, it a put it on instantly, but the moment she did, it began to burn, and she tried to rip it off, but a magical force kept it welded to her arm. The burning quickly subsided, but her anger did not, and she tried to fly away, but when she reached the boundary of the open window, the bracelet burned again, and send pulses through her body, disabling her ability to fly and sending her crumpled to the ground.
The man had somehow found a way to magically enslave her, and kept her to do whatever pleased him for a number of years. This is when she became bitter and distrusting (obviously) Eventually, she escaped, but when returning to her home, she found only an empty garden of twigs and stones. The Human village had started to expand, and in order to preserve fairy kind, her kingdom had relocated. She spends a while trying to find them, and has a number of adventures in the process.
Relationships: (TO BE ADDED LATER)
~Captor Scientist Man:
Occupation: Garden Fairy?
Weapons: Magic

Random other info:
-Created Subconsciously (Aka, I met her in a dream and kept her as an OC)

