Welcome to Worlds Beyond, a Fushigi Yuugi blog. Here you can find the latest updates in the world of Fushigi Yuugi.

Genbu Kaiden Chapter 31 Translation

Chikotori and the LJ Genbu Kaiden group bring us the translation of chapter 31...

Genbu Kaiden Chapter 31 Translation

Genbu Kaiden Chapter 30 Translation

Chikotori on the LJ Genbu Kaiden group has uploaded a translation for chapter 30:

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden chapter 30 translation

Also Doki-Doki Paradisehas also put up the raw scans of chapters 30 and 31. =)

Chapter 29 Translation

The translation for Chapter 29 can be found a the Genbu Kaiden LiveJournal group. =)

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden Chapter 29 Translation

Chapter 29 Raw and Chapter 28 Translation

The raw for chapter 29 can be found in this thread:

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden chapter 29

The translation for chapter 28 is still in progress as I write this, and can be found at the LiveJournal Genbu Kaiden group.

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden chapter 28 translation.
