Sally Nightcross

One way over powered character, coming right up!

(Rank 2)

Username: Eiri Yuki s Lover

Full name: Sally Nightcross

Nickname: Nightmare

Age: 27 (but growth stunted so she looks 16)

Gender: Female

Picture: External Image

City of Origin: Unknown

Genetic Modifications: Does not feel pain, has no blood (it's sand) .

Abilities/ Powers: She produces hallucinogens to control her victims sight. She can also camouflage herself.

Weapons: Poison needles that she throws

Hair: Pure black and messy (think Tim Burton)

Clothing: Black short sleeved shirt that looks very torn and tattered has a broken heart with devil horns a halo an burnt looking wings on it, arm stockings that go to her elbow has thumb hole in other end, black skirt also in tatters, with black shorts under them, long striped socks that go to her knees, black combat boots

Other Physical Descriptions: Has one brown eye and one that's so blue it's almost white, covered in stitches and scares like some messed up doll. Since she doesn't feel pain she just sews things back on. Kinda emaciated looking

Personality: Quiet, doesn't like to interact with others, very sadistic and likes to toy with her victims

Skills: Good medic since she has fixed herself up quite a few times. Doesn't mean she'll be nice about it.

Likes: Darkness, being alone, watching others bleed, hearing others scream in pain, experimenting on other people's bodies

Dislikes: Pretty much everything

Family: None

Friends: If you could call the other Stern members "friends"...she'd much rather kill them all and cut them open

Significant Other: NEVER!

Fears: Nothing yet

Back-story: She was always misunderstood because she couldn't feel pain, so she was often shunned or made fun of. Even by her own family. So she killed them all, and did horrible things to their bodies. (Just use ur imagination cause I really don't want to put what she did on here ^^;)

Other: Stern member (Rank 2)
