SS Wishlist 2017 ~ Groovy Boar

Which is definitely NOT a copy 'n' paste of 2016 Wishlist. Not. At. All. (But don't go check please)

Hi there Secret Santa! this is my wishlist for this year, I hope you'll find something you'll enjoy too!

OCs:Yep, of course I love my beloved annoying kids! I love see how they look in other people style! we all know that OCs are the best thing that we prefer, they're our creations after all! So that should be your first choice maybe...?

Also if you scroll in my art portfolio and my draftsyou're gonna find a lot of drawings of them all, to use as reference.

Aaaand if you feel particularly good this year you could draw in pair maybe..?
Zamboni & Leucer: they're brothers and share a close fraternal bond, also they're partners in crime.
Jenna & Zamboni: definitely an action duo, they're partners in crime and always ready to cause some trouble
Salazar & Loki: they're boyfriends, so something romantic it would be perfect.
Zamboni Sr and Maledit Husband and wife, very much in love with one another. They flirt a lot!
Milo and Morrigan They're super best friends, except Morrigan wants to see Milo dead.

Also feel free to change their outfits if you feel like! use some colors that suits them (Color schemehere) and that fits their style!
For example, Leucer it's an aristocratic failure, so he'll be always expensive elegant clothes! you can't see him with flip flop or a t-shirt!
Jenna it's a bada$$ so no skirt or dresses for her, but punk-sporty stuff!
Salazar it's a joyful gayful person, so very girlish super fashionable clothing..You got the idea right?

Ehm I hope I didn't give too much information, just have fun with it!


I like big strong women in general! Brienne of Tarth form game of trones, Xena the princess warrior (I actually got to re watch that), Lagherta from Vikings, etc

Manga & Anime I actually don't watch/ read too many of them "OTL but here some characters I like!

  • One Punch Man: Saitama, Genos, Mumen Rider, Sonic and my very favorite Puri-Puri-Prisoner
  • Bobobo: everything and everyone in this anime is pure genius, I love it so much!!! (but if I have to chose Bobobo, Donpatch and Jelly Jiggler)
  • Sailor Moon I love all the Black moon arc and I love Sailor Moon e Tuxedo mask as a couple, also the villains! they have the best outfits ever!


Other stuff I like in casual order, if there isn't anything that inspire above!

  • Animals! I love bunnies! cats! crocodiles! (a lot, they're cute! giant cuddly lizards) oh and boars eheh (also there's my mascotte boar George!
  • Watchmen(the comic) I love so much that psychopath of Rorschach! and Ozymandias too! but in the end i love them all! (except the Comedian, I hate the comedian <.<)

  • my favorite colors are orange and green.


So that's it ! I hope you will have fun drawing something for me! that's the most important thing in the end! and thank you in advance!

Stay Groovy ;-)External Image
