I'm fine

Hey guys, well when I recently received messages from a few people and realized alot of you who know I am from Pakistan might be worried, so I thought I would make a quick post and let you know I am fine.

Also I wanted to make something clear since alot of international media channels have been telling this news wrongly and I wanted to correct that. The children were not attacked/killed because they were learning/studying. The school was attacked by the terrorists in retaliation to the operation being done against them by the army. That's why they attacked that school in specific since it mostly has army officers children. Also the news of the hospitals discriminating and only attending to male students is false also. It was a boys school, so ya its highly likely when a boys school is attacked the victims and casualties are boys. Anyways I won't go into any further details for now, I just wanted to clarify those facts, formal complaints have already been made to news channels saying that by our government but I wanted to make this clear myself too.

Well hope everyone is doing good and sorry if I caused any worry. Stay safe guys.
