The Bird of the Hermes is my Name, Eating my Wings to Make Me Tame.

Welcome to Hellsing!

My Favorite Hellsing Chibi Moments

Check out this funny chibi moment XD

I laughed so hard

Get Psycho Hellsing AMV

This is a great AMV made by sorrowofdestiny2009. The song goes with the anime and describes the characters really well. ^^ Sorrowofdestiniy2009 is one of the best creators of Hellsing amv's. There will be more amv's to come.

Hellsing AMV's

Heres a great Hellsing AMV!

I will be posting some Hellsing videos when I get some extra time. ^^ I really think the song goes well with this anime series and the video was put together well ^_^

Ova 9

So this weekend I watched Hellsing Ova 9. It was just as I expected and more. I really liked itand it was definitely worth the wait (And next I plan to watch Hellsing Dawn episode 2 tonight) To Hellsing fans out there who haven't watched ova 9 should go and watch it now! Now here is the bad news :( Hellsing Ova 10, the final episode will not premiere in America until August 29,2012 I guess another long wait is in store.

It's Today :D

So the premiere is today! I plan on watching it on youtube (hopefully someone loaded it there). I will search high and low to find it. Anyway today is the day! Yay :D