The Bird of the Hermes is my Name, Eating my Wings to Make Me Tame.

Welcome to Hellsing!

14 Days

Alright 14 more days to go. ^_^

Quote of the Day: A four-poster coffin. Bloody hell.

15 Days

It's only 15 more days until Hellsing arrives.

Quote of the Day: "Don't you feel shame? I thought scum like you could at least feel shame" -Alucard

16 Days

It's only 16 more days (including today) until Hellsing premieres. Yay!

Quote of the Day: "I highly recommend p****** yourself followed by a course of praying to you impotent god."

17 Days

It's 17 more days until Hellsing Ova 9 comes to America!

Quote of the Day: "In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen." -Peter Farguson

20 Days

Alright you guys its 20 more days until Hellsing Ova 9 premieres in America!

Quote of the day: "The Bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to make me tame
." -Alucard