Herp Derp. The Past is behind us, the Present sucks, the future is


Oh my bad

Heres my tumblr

Oops, I lied again.

Decided to create a Tumblr. Feel free to browse around aimlessly.


I'LL BE POSTING SOON! If i feel like it...and if I think it's good enough. KTHXBYE.

auburn drinking water (but really otaku quiz)

Okay, haha. I probably should be doing this because the only person reading it would be me,and i feel kinda fruity answering this stuff but but. WHO CARES I LIKE QUIZZES.
Otaku Quiz

1) Answer these questions
2) Tag 5 other people when you’re done
3) Post in your journal/world

1. How long have you been an anime fan?

Since I was maybe, uh 5? I actually dueled my friends in Yu-Gi-Oh because #itwassoamazingomygahhh

2. What was your first anime?

Uh....Pokemon,Yu-Gi-Oh...that's it sorri D8

3. What was your first manga?

My first manga was actually, wait for it, Naruto! Bet you didn't see that one coming, ryuu chan.
4. What is your favourite anime? Why?
It's SO HARD TO CHOOSE...probably Eyeshield 21 because it's so freakin' epic bro *~*

5. What is your favourite manga? Why?
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, the idea is amazingly creative and the art is stunning. The visually stunning art blends nicely with the storyline, with a variety of plot twists and SKLFJSLFJWEOjF I LOVE IT.
6. What is your favourite manga genre? Why?
Action/Adventure because I love exploration and fight scenes and when you barely know whats going on sometimes lol. It makes me wonder how THE HELL YOU DRAW IT.

7. How much have your manga tastes changed since you first started watching anime?

Well uhm, I'm I guy so obviously there's not much to choose from. But I've leaned over to the mystery genre for a while, like Death Note and Case Closed, because I love how intense things can get without fighting and standing opposite sides of each other while you charge your attacks. Just saying~ But i still love action manga...;~;

8. What anime/manga have you been obsessed with over the years? Do you still like it?

It's pretty embarrassing, but I loved "Yu-Gi-Oh" for quite some time until I totally forgot how to play. I still like it obviously because it's part of my childhood, but...Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL? ARE YOU KIDDING ME KONAMI?

9. Do you prefer more mainstream manga or less popular manga?

Mainstream. I mean sure, I like reading "underdog" manga like Letter Bee and others, but i don't know, I like to fangasm with other people who like the same manga lul.
10. What is your favourite anime/manga character?

Boohoo. That's a hard question. My favorite would have to be Death the Kid because he's a freakin' hilarious wimp and awesomely strong at the same time. And I rarely even watch Soul Eater! lol.
11. Do you have a anime/manga crush? If so, who?
Believe it or not, as a kid I had a crush on misty. lol. None right now...
Besides Aoi Kunieda from Beelzebub. #notacreeper

12. Do you have a favourite anime/manga pairing? If not, make something up (you might suddenly fall in love with it!)

Oh geez, please no D8. IF I had to it would be N x White (from Pokemon) haha. sori if i scarred you for life. #FERRISWHEELSHIPPING WINNING.

13. Do you like reading/writing fanfics?

I Read them sometimes :x

14. Do you like drawing/looking at fanart? If so, for what manga, or does it not matter?

I love looking at all fan art because most are completely amazing and make me feel bad about my drawing skills, lol.
15. What is your favourite song in an anime (it can be background music or OP/ED songs)?


16. What is your least favourite anime/manga? Why?

Oooo. Uhmmm well I don't have a one I hate but if I had to choose one I didn't enjoy as MUCH, it would be Toriko. It was pretty dang weird.

17. What is your favourite video game? Why?

POKEMON. I play that almost everyday...even for like 1 minute.

18. What is your favourite kind of videogame?

RPG's. Love you Skyrim and Mass-Effect!

19. What is your favourite anime movie?
It is tied between all Miyazaki movies and SUMMER WARS. Simply Amazing works of art. c:
20. Was this quiz fun?
Yes, yes it was. Hey, wheres Perry?

Well, anyway. Hope this was worth your time. #goodjobteamgetreadyforthenextround



Yuh so this weekend I went the store and I got a Koeran manga pen.


I also realized I draw better with a tablet.
Why couldn't i have figured this out sooner ._.


That was an akward post ^^^^^^

DONT JUDGE ME D8. lul kbye.