Hesitance holds a person back, so it is my plea and my supplication that I may not be hesitant...

This world is the home of my fan-fictions and stories.

SinsofMidnight is...

My blog is also attached to my fanfiction archive, so you can stop by there.

And, of course, you can find me here ((:

Send me a note, leave me a comment... I love hearing from new people!

[VK] That Night, I Taught Vampires

Fandom: Vampire Knight
Summary: An old student comes back to Cross Academy as a student teacher and finds her childhood crush -or should that be crushes?- to be just as attractive as always.
Pairing: ultimately, Zero Kirryu/OC (Sanako Koshiba). There's one or two others along the way...

You can read it here (ff.net).

It was completed in late 2009 or early 2010, so it is due for some serious revisions. I will let you know when I've begun the revisions on it ^^

UPDATED: 12.16.2013

[Charisma Doll] Confessions of a Cross-Dressing Idol

Sara and Hayase, for those who didn't guess that :-) They make such a cute couple! "Confessions of A Cross-Dressing Idol" was my very first fa...

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