Cat Dream

Okay, this is probably one of my favorite dreams I've EVER had because it's a WTF moment all over! XD

Okay, it starts out with these two people walking through some sort of waste land, coming across a fenced area. The two run into a lady who says something about food and the young girl of the two says maybe there was a way to get in on the roof so the lady goes up to investigate.

For some odd reason, me and my dad go visit my sick aunt. In the room I find a grey tabby walking along the table full of food as I grab bread and jelly. My dog and kitten, Scrappy and Zoe, were in there too (I guess we took them along). My second aunt says something about: "Meet your father" and I turn around to see a second fat grey tabby and my aunt explains after taking a picture of him with her new camera, he turned into a cat. <---- That's the funny part that made me the dream take a WTF turn. XD

I turned my dad into a cat in my dream? How crazy is that?! XDDDD
