(Profile is subject to updates and changes, just be warned.)


Age: (6-9 sweeps)


Location: (just what type of environment, obviously sea trolls live in the ocean, but land can be by the shore, an icy environment, a city, what have you.)

Text Color:

Blood Color: (should match up with text color, exceptions rare, like Karkat.)

Star sign:

Shirt symbol: (should match up with blood color, with the rare exception like Karkat)

Hair color(s)/style: (Color should normally be black, except for dyes and rare exceptions.)

Horn style:

Appearance: (Picture preferred, if you want to use this site, it may be helpful as a start, but I would like a larger fan art.)

Typing style: (should have some kind of quirk, please be original from Hussy's quirks.)


Lusus: (ie, Crabdad, Bicyclops, etc. Name and description.)

Relationship with Lusus:


Title: (like Karkat is the Knight of Blood, Gamzee is the Bard of Rage, etc.)

Land: (Land of ______ and ______)

Cohorts: (Like Eridan has angels, or better examples is the humans: John and the Salamanders, Dave and the Alligators, etc.)

Denizen name: (Same as browser name, only needs a name for now, no description)

God Tier description: (colors and symbol if not created by Hussy. If it is, still give some basic info like the hood, style, wings, etc.)

Kernelsprite: (color, should be prototyped with lusus, and one other item if you want, but there can be exceptions.)

Strife specibus: (What kind of weapon they use)

Fetch Modus: (How they pick up and take out items)

Anything else?:

Comment or PM me completed profile to join.
