Troy Clark


Name: Troy Clark

Age: 13

Gender: Male

General location: A jungle in Florida. (Lives far away from people.)

Chum Handle: wanderingChampion

Text color: Light Green

Eye color(s): Light Green

Hair color/style: Black, Light Yagami Style

Appearance: External Image

Typing style: Uses many run-on sentences.

Personality: Confident, Fighter, Aggressive, Competitive, Loyal, Enjoys being alone.

Guardian: Sister

Relationship with guardian: Doesn't get along well with sister. Many times sets up traps to catch him. She isn't around often.

Crushes/Relationships: Crush on Alex Parker

Title: Knight of Shadows

Land: Land of War and Cliffs

Cohorts: Blue Moles

Denizen name: Crack

God Tier description: Blue, Dave style, except with a more outrageously sized cape.

Kernelsprite: Green, Parrot

Strife specibus: Large Knives

Fetch Modus: Cooking Modus - Heats any item up that's in it. (Not smart to place flammable items in it.)
