After a loss battle,

An inner warrior has limits though some seek unlimited power, immortality, infinite knowledge and so much more. Anything that would make a warrior indestructible or invincible.

Others seek peace within themselves, by learning wisdom and building friendships with others. In a world where we feel easily weak to temptations, evil and corruption, we sometimes forget our purpose and lose our self-respect and value. We no longer believe in goodness and let evil prevail at each and every battle. Yet, we somehow never give up to what we are seeking or more importantly, what we need. Here is what happens after losing each battle, we reflect on our past deeds, duties and responsibilities not only to others but to ourselves! In the instant after a loss, we know what we gained. We feel our losses, the grief, the guilt, the pain- to sum it up- the lowest points of our life where we do not know if we will come out alive, but at the end, we survived!

A battle that takes so much from you if you are willing to give what it is asking you, then you will win. However, you should know which battle is worth fighting for!

Some say a battle well fought is a half-win battle. The other half is what you lost; your energy, your time, and probably part of your life. In this very half, it is what you gained, your limits, your challenge, your opportunity that will make you 'born to be a fighter' and 'not born to try better'.
Until your next battle and not your next trial, an inner warrior assesses his or her weakness and strength. Not his or her words that count, or not the answer to his loss but the questions in how to win. The right questions unanswered will unfold the right answer at the right time.

Then training comes, and not any kind of training, a training of constantly challenging yourself, a training to see things beyond your eyes. The only mouth that will speak is your dedication to who you truly are. Your discipline will be your value and your silence to what power lies in you, your weapon.

A training that will teach you what it is like to be your own creator.

Your courage to awaken your inner warrior!
