School Just Kicked Me Where It Hurts

This is a personal post! I really just need to de-stress, and I think writing it out would help~

You see, I'm in my second last year of high school, and whereas I flew by lower school with plenty of A's and a couple of B's without the need of studying, I now find myself stuck on C's and even an E! Which is a fail!

Its so hard this year, and the stress is just building up. I only got one B (for drama!), but I have a feeling thats going to be hard to maintain! I'm well aware its just an intern report, and those don't really matter, but I suppose i've come to realize that if I don't get my grades up, I'm going to flunk my exams next term!

I've got so many assignments to complete over this weekend, (most of which are due Monday & Tuesday!), and two in-class essays for History on Monday as well. Its all on American Government and the 1920's (WHICH I DO NOT KNOW A CLUE ABOUT. I MEAN, REALLY, REPUBLICANS?).

So, not only do I not have confidence in that, I'm starting to feel like absolute shit. My self-esteem honestly dropped down by like, a trillion. I feel so stupid, and I feel like giving up, but I know thats not really an option )':

I want to go to UNI for either an acting degree or maybe a literature degree, or even aspire to be a voice actress (for anime and such. Which is a far stretch, I know). But if I'm struggling in my second last year of high school, then I can't obviously handle UNI. I need to work harder, but thats not as easy as it sounds.

So, its a long post, but I don't care. Ugh. I wish everything was just easier! Or I was just smarter ... like, L smart! or Sherlock smart!

Look at him think! Ahhhh! I want your geniusness!

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