Hair:long black
Eyes:deep and red
Weight:270 pounds
Height: 6'6"
Species: vampire
Distinguishing features: eyes
Weapons: short katana
Powers: speed,strength,hearing, and sight
Enemies: anyone in his way
Allies: who ever pays him
Family: parents dead, younger brother missing.
Personality: greedy, silent,
Basic Description:wears black, very pail, deep red eyes, long black hair.
Clothes: black trench coat, dog collar, dressy shirts and pants, chains, and dressy shoes
Brief history: after his parents died his younger brother was he only family he had. One night he was walking back to his foster home after staying late at school. he got lost and soon it got dark. He was attacked by a vampire and infected. He became one. wanting to keep his family safe. He was searched for but after several weeks was presumed dead. since then he has wanted revenge on for being infected and became a hunter.
This is my bad guy idea. ^ ^let me know what yall think.