Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha do not belong to me. I hope you enjoy and if you do please let me know!


Something's wrong! Something's really wrong! This has only ever happened a few times before! It started out as a normal day in the feudal era. I just decided to come back long enough to take my test! What's causing this?! True I don't have any jewel shards with me but the jewel was destroyed! And if that was the problem, why could I come home? Something's wrong! Something is very, very wrong!

Things change

I sat there stunned. What just happened? I wasn't expecting to hit ground. Normally when I go through the well, I have the strange sensation of being weightless for about a half of a minute and then I softly touch down on the bottom of the well. The only thing is I'm about 500 years in the past. Something's wrong though. Since I wasn't expecting the ground naturally I didn't prepare for the landing. I ended up hitting my knees and hands on the ground and my backpack came up and slammed into my head. All I could do was sit there. Am I still in the present? Or am I in the past? I thought.
I looked around and immediately noticed that the walls were bare of the vines that grew in the feudal era. I don't understand. Is it because I don't have my shards? Wait! Does that mean I'll never be able to go back?! Panic started to close my throat up. The walls of the well started to squeeze tight around me and I had to move. I had to get out of the well. As I stood I cried out in pain. When I looked I saw that my right knee was severely swollen. Oh great! Mom's going to have a cow! As soon as I topped the latter i could breathe again. Okay. Let's be rational about this. Or at least try to. It'll only take a little while before Inuyasha starts to get worried.

I frowned. In our last battle, we had finally faced Naraku. Having most of the jewel shards Naraku thought that he had the upper hand. You should never underestimate the human heart though. For though Inuyasha was only a half demon, his heart was that of a human's and so through great effort our battle was won. Yet we had a problem. What were we supposed to do with the jewel? It being whole once again either someone had to risk everyday of their life guarding it again with the chance of another demon like Naraku coming along and getting the jewel. Or we could nullify it. We only had a theory of how to do this though. It might not have even worked. So it was all up to Inuyasha to decide.

"Give it to me!" he said. hand outstretched towards me. With Kaede at my back this just seemed to familiar. I remembered why too. When we first met it had been the same picture though his words back then had been: "If you hand the jewel over right, I won't have to start sharpening my claws on you!" How much He's changed originally he wanted to use the jewel to become all demon. But now? As If to answer my thoughts he whispered, "Trust me." Those two little words. That's all it took. I simply handed him the jewel as if this was just an everyday sort of decision. He looked at the jewel for what seemed like an eternity, though only seconds past. I could see every emotion play through in his eyes. The longing for power, his anger towards Sesshomaru, his anguish for a love long past, and then hope. Hope for a new love. At that he looked into my eyes and I could see exactly what he wanted and therefore what he had decided. He wanted me for forever. Therefore...

Either speaking to everyone or just to jewel itself, Inuyasha proclaimed, "I wish to be human!" Light burst from the jewel as we all watched in surprise. All of a sudden though a very loud crack caught all of our attention. Inuyasha stared horrified at the two halves of the jewel. It had split in two of it's own power. At that moment, the spirit of Midoriko emerged and took in the scene in front of her. Inuyasha, who's hand had flown to the hilt of his sword out of habit, me, standing so close to him that I was almost touching him, and the rest of the crew, who had been watching a few feet away.
"Was it you who made the wish, Inuyasha?" Midoriko asked. Stunned all he could do was nod. Midoriko's peaceful face fell. "I'm sorry. That is the one wish I cannot grant. It is your true heart that has set me free. I will be forever greatful." And with that she had floated off to the heavens.
Well Inuyasha will come looking for me soon so I'll just go back to the house for a while and get some ice for my knee.

Little did I know Inuyasha would not come. Now or ever.
