
So this is the person formally known as AzraelVega66. As of right now I don't quiet know what happened. I was logged on and looking at some stuff, went away and when I came back had a problem. Tried logging on and it told me my account was frozen. Seemed some douche bag piece of shit hacked into my account and deleted all my hard work. So now I have a new name and I'm trying to get all my newly made friends back. Gotta rebuild my world back, bigger and better then before and hopefully this wont happen again. I can't believe the nerve of some dickless monkey shit that would hack into people's accounts and erase everything they've done. Talk about a fucking waste of space loser. So for all of you that I had as posters, as soon as I remake a new world, I'll put you back on and we can have even more fun than before. Sorry for the language for those of you I've offended. It just sucks that after all my time here and trying to make friends, somebody would set out to do that to somebody they don't know for whatever reason.
