The gate opened on the other side and Nnoitra stepped out into the moonlight. He looked around seeing he was in the park in the center of town. He let his reiatsu radiate through town like a calling card to his opponent. It was not long and Kurosaki was standing in front on him. Nnoitra grinned wider as he felt the boys’ reiatsu flow from his body.
“Nice to see you could make it,” Nnoitra said to him.
“What are you doing here?” Ichigo insisted to know.
“Looking to kick your ass,” Nnoitra then sonidoed toward Ichigo kicking him in the midsection.
Ichigo drew his sword quickly, but was caught by Nnoitra’s kick sending him back a few yards. Ichigo slid to a stop still on his feet then returned with a counter attack coming from above Nnoitra. Drawing his sword Nnoitra easily blocked Ichigo’s attack, grabbing his wrist and flinging Ichigo across the park. Ichigo tumbled to a stop looking Nnoitra’s way as he walked slowly toward him.
“Grimmjow is a fool to think you're a worthy opponent.”
Ichigo quickly got to his feet and shunpo toward Nnoitra, attacking him again. Nnoitra easily blocking all of Ichigo’s attacks.
“Such a weakling!” Nnoitra kicked Ichigo again sending him flying back again tumbling across the park. Nnoitra laughed, “and that pathetic girlfriend of your thinks you're going to save her.” he laughed harder as he watched Ichigo stand from the ground.
“You bastard! Where is Inoue?” Ichigo yelled out taking his sword in both hands.
“What does it matter? You can’t save her with your weak ass power.” Nnoitra replied.
Angered Ichigo attacked again, strike after strike Ichigo drove Nnoitra back a few steps. Nnoitra’s eyes lit up and a evil blood thirst look appeared on his face.
“That’s it, Kurosaki! Fight me with everything you have because if you don't I ‘will’ kill you.”
Nnoitra and Ichigo exchanged blow for blow, attack for attack no one ever getting the upper hand. That was until Ichigo’s quincy friend Ishida, butt in. Nnoitra and Ichigo quickly jumped back to avoid his arrows as Nnoitra looked down at Ishida. Just then, Ichigo was yelling at Ishida.
“Watch where the hell you aim those things! You almost shot me!”
“Maybe you should move out of the way so I can kill him,” the quincy pushed up his glasses and mumbled under his breath, “Since your doing a lousy job of it anyway.”
The two started a yelling match between them as Nnoitra shook his head snapping his fingers. The garguanta appeared and opened as he looked at the two idiots still going at one another.
“Kill ya next time substitute,” Nnoitra announced stepping into the gate going back to Los Noches.
Ichigo and Ishida ran toward the gate getting to it just as it closed.