Tales of Symphonia Research: Part II

PART II: Places

NOTE: There are MAJOR spoilers in this. So if you don't want to ruin the story for yourself, don't read this!

Sylvarant (Lloyd’s World): Most likely a made up name, but I did find one thing that came kind of close. There’s a word “sylva”, which is a variation of the word “silva”, which both meaning forests and trees of a region. Can’t really say anything on that, as it’s probably just a coincidence.

Tethe’alla (Sheena’s World): Like Sylvarant, I couldn’t really find anything, but I did find something that sounds like it. I can tell you that this is DEFINITELY NOT where the name came from. I just thought it was interesting. Ok, so there’s “Tet”, which is the ninth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Then there’s “He(y)”, which is the fifth letter. Then there’s “Alef”, which is the first letter. Put them together, and you’ve got something that sounds like Tethe’alla, but is DEFINITELY NOT where it came from.

Ossa Trail (First Time Meet Sheena): Ossa is several things. First, it’s a peak, 1,979.1 meters (6,489 ft) high, in the Olympus Mountains in northern Greece. And according to Greek mythology, the Giants stacked it, and the mountain of Pelion together, trying to climb Mt. Olympus. Also, Ossa was the Greek personification of rumour.

Asgard (Wind Town): Asgard, in Norse mythology, was the world of the Aesir, the war gods, which include some of the more well known Norse gods such as Odin and Thor. It was surrounded by an enourmous wall, built by the dwarf Blast. Asgard and Jotunheim are separated by the river Iving. I just think that Iving is VERY close to "Irving", which is Dirk's last name.

Luin (Place That Gets Destroyed): While it’s quite possibly a derivation of the word “ruin”, because of what it becomes, I found several other things that have the same name. First there are the Ered Luin, which are the “Blue Mountains” in Middle Earth, from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. There was also a spear called “Luin” in Irish mythology.

Hima (Last Place in Sylvarant): In Arabic, Hima means “inviolate zones”, or wilderness preserve.

Fooji Mountains (Crash Site): Probably just a derivation of Mt. Fuji.

Meltokio (Largest City in Tethe’alla): Probably just a derivation of the city Tokyo.

Sybak (University Town): This is funny. I was just looking for this word, and I couldn’t find anything. So then I thought, “Well this is a setback.” Then I thought, “Setback? Sybak?” They just sound alike. And also, when you get there, you have a setback, since you’re caught by the Papal Knights! Lol, just a funny thing that’s defiantly not real.

Mizuho (Sheena’s Town): Mizuho is a city located in the Gifu Prefecture, in Japan.

Toize Valley Mine (Mine In Tethe’alla): a “toize” is French for a fathom. Once again, probably just a coincindence.

Altamira (Resort City): In Spanish, Altamira means “high view”. In Spain, there is a cave called Altamira, which has ancient cave art. There is also a port city of Altamira in Mexico.

Ymir Forest (Elven Forest): Ymir, in Norse mythology, was the first frost giant. He was killed by Odin and his brothers, who then used Ymirr’s corpse to create Midgard: the world of Man.

Heimdall (Elven City): Heimdall, in Norse mythology, is the God of light, son of Nine Mothers. He is the watchman and guard of the rainbow bridge Bifrost, which is the only way into Asgard, the realm of the Gods. At Ragnarok, Heimdall will kill his enemy Loki, yet die of the wounds he suffers from the battle.

Niflheim (Underworld in Book): Niflheim, in Norse mythology, also known as the “house of mists”, is the icy dark world, which also includes the world of Helheim, the realm of death, and the equivalent to Christian Hell.

Toyama (Mizuho Shop): Toyama is a city in west-central Honshu, Japan. It is the capital city of the Toyama Prefecture.

Well, this is the end of Part II - Places!

Part III is going to be on Monsters and/or Equipment and Items, depending on how much information there is.

Research Sites Used:
