Sadrix Profile

Region Name: Sadrix (friends call her 'Drixie' to annoy her)
~Human Name: Talli Suzumi
~Looks: 16 - 17 years
~Height: 5'6"
~Usually wears: Long-sleeves, hoodies, t-shirts; jeans, cargos; military uniform (prob not draw that...); kimono/traditional Japanese clothing
~Significant characteristics: Scar on right cheek, uneven hair, dark purple-ish eyes.

~Personality: Pessimistic, quick-tempered, outspoken, blunt, uncaring, rebel, teenager, holds a grudge, strict, appreciates tradition, etc.
~Likes: Arguing, taking out anger, winning, traditions, (very much admires) Japan, Winter, tea, being friends with the randomest of countries, etc.
~Dislikes: Pahoa, crybabies, hyper people, Pahoa, smartasses, pointless things, when people mess with her tea, Pahoa, arrogance, etc.

-owns a pair of earrings that represent her northern islands, but hardly ever wears them
-holds a unique festival every year to honor ancestors
-calls it 'Boy's Day' NOT 'Children's Day'
-can't draw for shiz, but can watercolor
(-did you know she doesn't like Pahoa?)
-heavily influenced by Japanese culture
-the scar/cut hair on the right side of her head was caused by a sword during the Katalian Civil War. it hasn't healed since.
