Pahoa Profile

Region Name: Pahoa (Sadly has no nickname...cause I'm that unoriginal).
~Human Name: Elioka Sasaki (His human name sounds really weird in my head...)
~Looks: 14-15
~Height: 5' 8"
~Weight: ...160-ish?
~Usually wears: Whatever he feels like.
~ALWAYS WEARS: A hidden knife.
~Significant characteristics: Clothes that probably don't match. Also, has an emo look but is extremely serene...unless it's Sadrix.

~Personality: Happy-go-lucky, short-tempered, lax/indolent, insane (maybe like Russia, but...), bipolar~!
~Likes: Hawaiian culture, Poi, America, South Korea, insanity, adrenaline, fish, POKEMON!
~Dislikes: Sadrix, SADRIX, SADRIX! Other than that, Japan (to a degree), nuclear bombs, wars.

-Occasionally will be seen with a too happy 7 year old. This is when he gets bribed guilt-tripped for a certain war.
-Mocks Sadrix for her festival.
-Annoys Sadrix any time he can (and nearly dies every time.)
-Always has a good memory for things that can harm his siblings...
(-France loves saying that he and Sadrix has sexual tension... =_=)
-The only one greatly influenced by the Hawaiians.
-During the Katalian Civil War (#1?), he technically won, but still had to compromise...much to his dislike.
